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I'm an old man and I've never been one to jump on the bandwagon of these newfangled video games. I've always preferred to spend my time doing things that are a little more hands-on, like fishing or woodworking. I just don't understand why people spend so much time on these games. But, my grandkids were telling me about this No More Heroes game and they said I should give it a try. I figured it couldn't hurt to see what all the fuss was about, so I did. And, I gotta say, I'm not impressed.

First of all, I just don't understand what's going on. There's a lot of fighting and, as an old man who has lived a long and peaceful life, I just don't see the appeal in that. I've never been one to enjoy watching other people getting hurt, it's just not right. I've always believed in treating others how I'd like to be treated, and this game just doesn't seem to align with that philosophy.

The story of No More Heroes is just as confusing as the fighting. I don't understand what's going on and I don't have any interest in getting to know the characters. To me, a good story is one that I can relate to and one where I can care about the characters. But in this game, I just don't see that happening. It's like fishing in a pond where there are no fish, there's just no point in doing it.

And the controls! Well, it's like trying to fish in a stream that's too fast, it's just too difficult to keep up. I just can't seem to figure them out. I don't understand why they have to make the controls so complicated. When I was a young man, things were a lot simpler. I just want to be able to play the game, but I can't even figure out how to do that. It's just too hard.

The graphics in the game are not good either. It's like trying to fish in murky water, you just can't see what's going on. They're all blocky and they don't look real. I like to see things that look real, like a beautiful lake where you can see the fish swimming, not like a bunch of blocks. It's just not right.

And the voices! Oh, the voices. They're like a bad storm on the lake, they just ruin the experience. They sound like they're laughing at me and it's not funny. I don't like it when people laugh at me, especially in a video game. It's supposed to be fun, like a calm day on the lake, not mean.

In conclusion, I don't like No More Heroes. It's like trying to fish in a lake with no fish, there's just no point. I don't understand why people like it. It's just a bunch of fighting and I don't see the appeal in that. And I don't like the story, the characters, the controls, the graphics, or the voices. It's like trying to catch a fish with no bait, it just doesn't work. I think people should spend their time doing something productive, like gardening or woodworking, instead of wasting their time playing silly video games.

I remember when I was a young man and video games didn't exist. We didn't have all these fancy computers and consoles. We played outside, went fishing, and had good old-fashioned fun. And I think that's what's missing from these video games. They just don't have that sense of fun and adventure that we used to have. It's like trying to fish with a stick and a