doesnt even need to have been released in 2024, so long as its kino.

started: 09/01/24
finished: 12/01/24

promo art is nice (kinda looks like @/AetherionArt's stuff), but in-game sprite art isn't at the same standard.
it also tries too hard to be sexual, which ends up just looking kinda gross (STFU I KNOW ITS AN EROGE)
definitely not my thing, but i know some stone-cold gooners that'll have a field day with this game. least the gameplay is fun.
started: 18/01/2024

going to start playing this soon, i really hope i end up enjoying it.

(a jrpg with platforming sequences sounds very interesting, i had no choice but to pick it up.)

...20 mins in, and i kinda like the platforming here. i mean - its pretty basic, but i enjoy that there's lots of verticality in the world (and lots of little nooks and crannies to find chests in)
overworld navigation is probably the main puzzle of this game - hopefully it doesn't get too obnoxious.

edit: it got obnoxious.


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