8 Reviews liked by bethennyfrankel

Fire Emblem fans who hate this are like MCU fans who hate Scorsese movies

Highly recommend it if you’ve never watched a shonen anime before so you’ll think it’s doing something new

Woke propaganda that teaches players to pick men as their sexual partners

“Oh haha this guy gave gave it a 0.5 and the actual content review is going to be something positive!”
NO! Fuck this game! Boring edgelord shit that people only like because they can pretend to see games as art!

Fuck off, I’m not wasting 700 hours that I could have spent actually contributing something to society on the MCU for people who unironically use the word waifu

Ludonarrative commentary on the uniquely unstable class structure of French history depicted through how characters are balanced

Xeno fans be like “You should skip Xenosaga 2 cause the combat sucks. Also, I like Xenoblade”
You’re all pissing ME off! Annoying AF!



Games as art people are so fucking stupid. Imagine sucking the dick of a game that does Pokémon style “buy the game twice” bullshit just because you can pretend it’s deep lol