iconic characters - pyro, engineer - sniper etc

has some good mechanics although this game has MAJOR flaws

this is the best incarnation of the Gotham mythos OF ALL TIME

individually there are thing that others have done better. I prefer harley quinn from studio squad and theres a few small changes i would make

overall - its still the best painting of gotham of all time
the matt reeves batman didn't even do Riddler properly

as a movie this would be pretty awesome
i like the design of rino, doc ock, and i like that this new york is rather bright and colourful

as a video it sucks - especially in comparison to TASM1

as a video game? near perfection
idk i have alot of nastalgia for this game - but i still think it
captures the magic of gaming + the george lucas era

this is how sandman goes out in my head