The Horrors of Time - Games that Used a Timer to Ruin Me

Timers are the scariest parts of games

Yikes, just a bit too slow on that case. I guess just enjoy the zombies until your next attempt.
Congratulations on defeating mother brain. Now get out before I make you fight him again (I didn't)
No no, you have to redo the dungeon to do that side quest
Child me wasn't very good at pikmin
Oops you were slightly too slow. Don't worry, you can walk around for an hour so just under a day passes and you can get one optional piece for 100% completion.
My Mangan! Why didn't you just put the package through the front door!
You get secrets for saving here at this exact run time. Now just wait here for 17 minutes...
Krauser, just die
Okumura on Hard.


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