Made a hundred quid from trade-ups. Will not play it again since it's monetization is majoritively funded by gambling, and way too much of the playerbase solely play it to "invest"

Good but one of few games where the fun is exclusively dependant on who you're playing it with

Some of the worst modern gaming has to offer

Good fun, need to get back into it someday

nothing much to say... its minecraft

Watching someone who's pretending to be a military commander walk into a landmine two seconds after leaving our base was exceptionally funny. Didn't keep playing it since didn't have any friends to play it with at the time, but I'm really hoping Anvil Empires is good

Simply an absurd amount of content and things to learn. Has a very well polished set of around twenty levels made over the last decade. Ended up doing a large majority of the challenges

Unique take on the puzzle game genre; not much content but the gameplay loop is satisfying and it has steam workshop support now


completely unable to play the game and after a long back-and-forth support told me to wait for a game update that will fix my problems. several updates have since released and the game is still unplayable

Most fun I've ever had with a pokemon fangame since the game on top of the gimmick is exceptionally well done; would highly recommend as an introduction to fangames

Never ended up finishing but seemed fairly high quality

Visually amazing, gameplay is alright

Solely saved by multiplayer allowing you to laugh at all of the stupid shit that goes on

Basically a perfect game in my book. Insanely polished, tons of content, constant support and multiplayer. Absolutely absurd gameplay depth and things to learn

Only play this is you play FC5 and really like it, since it's just that game but worse