June, 2023


Played through Chapters 18-20 ("Spare Parts", "The Eden Club", and "The Pirates Cove) tonight and I'm continuously stunned at how quick the QTE responses are in modern games, how you have to rethink following someone, and how elaborate the decision tree for this game can be.


Played for a bit in order to testing my streaming software - wound up goofing around and popped a trophy. XD
Welp, the first murder happened and the victim wasn’t who I suspected it would be, but given that persons’ position in the world, it’d make some semblance of sense. The setup for the murder was interesting as well.

I’m not having as hard of a time with names in this sequel, simply because eventually they’ll start dying off and I’ll remember the living by name - at this point, I’m simply associating their Ultimate traits with a face (amongst other… unique… features… looking at you Nurse).


Well, that statue changed, and that person changed. And died. Well, I guess it truly is a murder island.


Played through Chapters 15-17 ("Time To Decide", "Zlatko", and "Russian Roulette") and started 18 ("Spare Parts") tonight - the storytelling is so damned good in this game.

I feel like the game is really starting to find its' legs and deliver some action rather then just conversation and story discovery, see 'Zlatko' and 'Spare Parts'. I'm curious to know if this is just a minor bump in the intensity of the story or if this is the start of a spike of action that will climax with the ending.

May, 2023


Completed Chapters 12-14 tonight "On The Run", "Jericho", and "The Nest" and while Connor and Kara's story have a nice brief overlap and seem rather straight-forward, Markus's story feels more of a 'revenge' tale that is eventually going to go badly. I do like the relationship building between Kara/Alice and Connor/Hank - it feels like we've left the introductions aspect of the game and are now getting into the 'meat' of the story.


Started “Danganronpa 2” this morning and my mind immediately went to comparing it to the original game. I should’ve known that the premise would be the same, 16 kids, all Ultimates, show up to Hope’s Peak for success. What I didn’t expect was… the field trip, the new teacher, or the Tamagotchi.

As far as the game goes, I like the idea of the ‘open’ map and the walking around to different locations rather than fast traveling - I suppose Spike Chunsoft wanted to encourage walking around this time around. Also noticed that the UI/UX seems to have gotten a nice upgrade - everything looks more organized and laid out. The game music sounds just as charming as the previous; the beach has a nice, rhythmic tune and some of the tracks from D1 made their appearance already as well. The Hope Fragments are going to be a godsend for trying to remember who I’ve made social links with and who I still need to talk to.

So far, I’ve met the Ultimates (OH SNAP! One person from D1 is here, but wow he looks different) and it seems like they’ll be interesting in their own ways. I’ll never remember their names at this point, so based on the first game, I’ll try to simply remember their Ultimates first. I was enjoying the hopefulness of the game, but of course… despair had to arrive. :) That said, I’m totally intrigued how Monokuma and Usami will balance the game’s story out.

My session ended with Monokuma making a major change to a character, complete with a name change. I guess Monokuma is in charge now. :)


Enjoyed this with a few friends during Memorial Day weekend. Introduced it to someone who’d never seen it before and I think there’s another copy to be purchased soon. :)
Played this for the very, very first time this weekend since my son asked me to with him and his uncle with local couch co-op.

Pretty sure my Level 1 n00b player was playing againist bots because our trio went 3-0 with 3 Victory Royale and I quickly uninstalled the game after he went to bed.

So, before I start the dog pile - the mechanics are fun, the firefights are enjoyable, the color scheme is vibrant… but the HEAVY HEAVY advertisements of V-Bucks and micro transactions are simply vomit inducing.
Played with my son and his friend this weekend for his birthday. Was shown by a 9 year old the “Soccer Aid” super team and the Mystery Ball mode. I feel old.
Played with my son and his friend for his birthday. Such an enjoyable couch co-op game.


Played Chapters 10-12 "Fugitives", "From the Dead", and "Waiting for Hank" tonight - I'm filled with a bit of a dystopian dread with where the stories are going.

I have no idea how the game ends, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that each android is going to have a very serious 'something' happen to them (Kara will have to choose Alice vs. something, Connor will have to choose Hank vs. something, Markus is going to kill someone) and I will have to make a 'human' decision.


Welp, I’m at a stairwell and completely alone. Finding out Kyoto’s Ultimate ability was quite the revelation and her reason to be at the school was a total shock as well. Hell of an end to Chapter 5.

Chapter 6 was simply a blur up to the final class trial, only because the story was going so quickly to the end akin to a roller coaster with no brakes.

Finding the mastermind and the eventual end of "Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc" was STUNNING - I absolutely didn't see that information and revelations of so many 'loose ends' being tied up so cleanly. I was beyond satisfied with the ending (and the post-credits scene) that I'm ready and willing to drive into the sequel as soon as possible.


Continued tonight and completed Chapters 6 through 9 ("Partners" through "The Interrogation") and once again, I am completely in awe of the facial capture, motion capture, and voice acting of the characters.

It seems abundantly clear that Androids are the 'American Negroes' of the late 2030s and it's obvious to the point of nauseam. The 'back of the bus' riding, the interrogation scene (ironically, a black male android) and a early 20th century viewpoint of blatant disrespect and disregard of black people made me crystal clear what we were getting hit over the head with. Once I understood where the writers were coming from, I was able to go 'oh, I see what you're doing here' more often than not.

That said, the 'racial' issues aren't the only story beats that cause friction; Todd's story was one that hit close to home as a parent, and drew me in as hard as "Heavy Rain" and "Beyond: Two Souls" did in their stories. Quantic Dream are master story tellers, and I can't get to get back to this game.


Chapter 4’s trial was absolutely fucking nuts; not because of how everything looked so clearly cut-and-dry, but the murderer’s reveal was absolutely dumbfounding with the logic so elegantly put. At this point, I’m starting to seriously consider Danganronpa one of the best stories I’ve ever engaged with - the twists in the story, the attention to detail, and the powerful characters are simply memorable.

Chapter 5 has opened up to me and it’s almost as batshit crazy as the end of Chapter 4, as in the story has absolutely rocketed up in intrigue and curiosity. Also, that interaction with Makoto and Monokuma… I haven’t laughed that hard in years. Holy mother of fuck.

The Chapter 5 trial was enraging - I’ve given up on trying to go guide-less during the trials but stayed spoiler-free, but I COMPLETELY GOT THE BAD ENDING the first time around. After making the right choice, I had to save the game at the stairwell.

I have no fucking clue what is next but I’m super stoked about what it is.



Started the game tonight on stream and one thing is crystal clear - this is a statement making game. The fact that the Androids are straight up 2nd-class citizens makes for what seems to be a predictable story arc, but the differences between Connor, Markus, and Kara’s stories are quite interesting at the outset.

The story aside, I REALLY like the ‘flowchart’ aspect of the game and the possible ease of going back and seeing ‘what happened if’ and it’s hidden spiderwebbing of the story.

Controls and audio are what I expect from a Quantic Dream game (played Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls), but the visuals are so much more vibrant from the PS3 games to this release. I could only imagine the photo realism of a PS5 Quantic Dream game.



Chapter 03 got underway and Taka’s freak out was definitely odd, but ‘odd’ is normal in this game and story. I’ve decided to spend “Free Time” building of ‘social links’ of a sort by talking with and gifting people without a 2 page report card.

Based on the gameplay loop, I knew it’d be only a matter of time before Monokuma’s ‘incentive’ would cause another murder, but I was not expecting what happened this go round, making the impending class trial twice as difficult. The tricky part of the trial was trying to (and failing hilariously) keep track of the different segmented groups that led up to the third murder trial.

Seriously, I was way too stupid for this trial and resorted to a guide - I was able to put together maybe 70% of the case, but the other 30% and connecting things with the game mechanics was just extremely difficult. Additionally, the amount of IMPORTANT facts for the 3rd trial was insane - I spent hours during the 13-part trial (1-2 hours it seems) seemed to stretch forever. This is probably the single reason I don’t think I’ll be streaming this series, because of the complexity and length of the trials - if any viewer misses any part of the stream, very important clues may be missed, leading to utter confusion.

Chapter 04 started quite strangely, learning who Monokuma’s spy is; I suppose now that’ll be a new plot point in regards to the final 7 students left in play. A few “Free Time” sessions later, a new body has been found… guess that’ll be waiting for me next session.



Finished the game tonight and man.... there are no words to express how powerful the connection between Kratos and Atreus is and has become over the arc of the game. The 'closure' and 'exposure' at the end of the game with the foreshadowing of Ragnarok is something I'm definitely looking forward to, but want to save it for when I get to it.


April, 2023


This is one of those 'play with other people on the couch' local co-op games, so I figured since I journal my games, I'd share when I play with my kids.

That said, this is a perfect little family couch co-op game that requires some decent communication (and a casual difficulty with a 6 and 8 year old) and a cute story.


Finally made it to Jotenheim after playing through what was a really awesome sequence with Tyr's temple. The Hall of Tyr and adjusting the temple was a great mix of puzzles and enemy battles, culminating with a great big jump, one hell of a lot of enemies, and a date with the World Serpent. Looking forward to it!


I started the 2nd trial tonight and… well… the genocidial person came out and it was quite the twist. I was expecting more ‘action’ during the trial, but one of the characters simply plowed through the entire ‘game’ - wasn’t expected but wasn’t thrilled with. The trial took longer than I remember and the final argument seemed longer as well, but the reveal was worth it, and might I say… butterfly smooth.

I think I’ve figured out the Monocoin game as well; considering the repeat percentage can only go up with more coins going in, to me it seems logical to only put in one coin at a time since the odds are at least in your favor up to the 50% point.

Starting Chapter 03 and exploding the 3rd floor has a duel feeling and gives me a slight worry about the loop - new floor opens, a bit of free time and social link connections, then murder, then investigation, then trial. I like the loop, but I feel like it’s becoming a bit more evident.


Rode the ship out of Hel tonight and this sequence was absolutely frantic, almost to the level of a bullet hell for me. Hel-reavers by the dozen were just fuel for the Chaos Blades and balancing clearing mobs with keeping the fires alight was truly fun. Head's part of the story as the remnants of the boat floated away was enjoyable while the brothers reconnecting to form the key was a nice heartwarming moment.

I think I'm getting close to the end of the game and I'm feeling happy about it; it's hitting a climax, threading a needle between honoring the games of old with the story of the new.


The boy is annoying me with his god complex, but we finally got him under some sort of control after he woke up an Ancient :) . Opened the bridge but a very rude god and one hell of a set piece played out, sending my plans straight to hell in a hand-basket. Fought my way through Hel but ended the stream getting stuck on an iceberg. The SS Kratos will steam ahead another day.


Continued Danganronpa today with the start of Chapter 2; I love how the sounds have completely drifted to an absolute foreboding, mournful tone - considering how Chapter 1 ended, it totally fits. Celeste and Byakuya’s actions were interesting to say the least, and Taka and Mondo’s ‘challenge’ and subsequent bromance was hilarious.

Now, I will admit, I did look at a wiki during the game’s Free Time section in order to figure out what gifts to give people that I decided to speak with in order to give myself some enjoyment from the game - there are simply so many variables in the game that I feel it could have a negative effect. Further proof of this is whenever I have time, I am meticulously going into every room and re-examining every single thing I can, only to find Monocoins for the vending machine. I’m finding this to be tiresome and self-destructive in a way, but also a continuing sense of “FOMO” as I don’t want to miss something important that may appear in a trial.

The next murder happened (thanks Monokuma) and I’ve done all of the investigations. The next session will be the trial. I’m interested to see how the ‘perks’ I’ve unlocked with successful ‘Free Time’ conversations will help during the trial. We’ll see!

March, 2023


Started the trek to Tyr's vault with a very enjoyable telling of Tyr's story and downfall. Tyr's Vault was a beautiful location - complete with monster closets and some nifty platforming I failed a few times at, especially that stupid trap with Skol and Hati. I loved the dual Guardian fight - it was equally challenging having to switch between weapon sets.


Wow. Wowowowow. Tonight saw the first murder in the story and the game transformed into something I've never seen in my 30 years of gaming. I've played point-and-click games before, but ever anything like this.

Finding the body was interesting (pink blood, lul) and then the investigation afterwards was very Sherlock Holmes-like, asking everyone I could anything I could and practically re-examining every room I could. But then, the trial started. And this, dear readers, is what I've never experienced before.

Trying to explain how a video game can translate a court case is strange; all I can say it is that it relies heavily on the investigative work prior to the trial. What's astonishing to me is that the game morphs from what seems to be a simple point-and-click survival adventure (think "Monkey Island") to a real-time, blink-and-you'll-miss-it, intense variant - one that relies heavily on pre-trial work and requires a hell of a lot of endurance. The trial, for me, took a full hour from pre-trial to closing arguments, all the while being completely consuming in the story.

The murderer was exposed and the punishment was something out of the "Saw" series but with a twist; Monokuma's perfect balance of cute and sadistic made the punishment feel hilarious yet depressing, which is what the game is going for - extreme feels in both directions. With Chapter 1 finished, I feel like I have a good understanding of the mechanics and the 'loop' of the game, though the trials themselves feel demanding and mentally draining afterwards. This isn't a "Dark Souls" type difficult where precise movements and physical endurance is key; this is a game that forces the player to remember a LOT of content in order to survive and that's so refreshing in an era of 1st/3rd person action game dominance.

I'd decided to make this an offstream game simply because I didn't know if it would translate well to viewers; it's heavy on reading and there aren't a lot of action sequences - any viewers that hit an ad or miss a stream would be terribly confused, so in retrospect, I think it was the right idea. With that in mind, this is definitely a game that I will be promoting as much as possible BECAUSE it's so unique in style and mechanics.



Had a chance to play the game for the first time today during a very rare amount of downtime, and I'm in love with this game after giving a non-PS5 having friend the Dualsense to see what features the PS5 has. The nostalgia for PlayStation in this game and Astro is the modern and Sony equivalent of a child-friendly mascot for PlayStation. I mastered 2 of the 4 areas today and want to get back to it whenever I can.



Healed up Atreus and continuing the journey. Had a really heartfelt moment in this game that struck me hard as a Dad.