December, 2022


10 hours in and I’ve barely decided to go back to the main story campaigns - I’m having way too much fun with the side stories and mini games. The “Sunflower” and “Old Man Komaki” series were enjoyable, while the “Be My Baby” side mission had me dying with laughter. I did continue Chapter 5 a bit more and reacquainted myself with Majima and got introduced to the Clan Creator mini games but spent a good amount of time in the Cabaret Club Grand Prix (keep in mind, mini game) to the point where I can do a ‘mini-mini game’ with the Platinum hostesses - this really is a onion with multiple layers.

Between the Cabaret Club Grand Prix and the Clan Creator alone, the side content is as deep as it is wide; add in the 70+ sub stories, and this game has some major heft behind it in the time spent department. What really shocks me, over and over again with this series, is that it doesn’t feel boring. Everything has a purpose, with adding to the depth of the world while leveling up Kiryu over and over. I’ve played so much side content that I think I’m overpowered for the main game, and to me, that’s a very good thing.


I've played more side missions than I care to publicly make known, simply because they are always so unique and put Kiryu in such strange situations. The photography side mission turned side game is just another example of how big this game actually is. I think about how even GTA5 doesn't have as many 'entrances' and 'places to walk into' as Yakuza 2 does. Granted the map is much smaller, but you can see that it can be done. Finished "Chapter 4" and I'm simply absorbing everything this game has to offer like a sponge.



Finally finished the game tonight and I’m physically and emotionally drained. The story is outstanding and left me without words. The jumping challenges were some of the hardest I’ve ever seen. I’m happy to report I completed the entire game with Assist Mode off - I only died 910 times in total. :)


Played for a bit today and continued the story mission to find out where the sniper's bullet came from. Between that, finding the darts mini game, opening the club cabaret mini game, and completing a handful of side missions, I've been completely derailed from the 'golden path' of the game, which works for me. Oddly, the "Yakuza" series is the only series where I feel a need to complete as much as possible while enjoying the game. Example: the caberet is a money farm while leveling up your girls, random encounters + drinks/food from restaurants boost EXP gains, etc etc - everything in the game has a purpose, leaving no 'fat' in the game.


That's a big fucking snake. Met the World Serpent and began fiddling around the 'Lake of Nine' area. This feels a lot like a 'hub' section of the game, an area that you can quick travel back to and introduces you to side missions. It's a little bit to explore, but I'm enjoying it.

There is a major flaw albeit it's a personal one, but my memory of what upgrades I've purchased between sessions is giving me this false sense of weakness (I keep forgetting to use the upgrades/enchantments I've unlocked/purchased). It's a slight issue, but I worry it'll be magnified as the game gets progressively harder.


About 5 hours into the game and I'm already noticing a major difference in the previous games "Yakuza 0" and "Yakuza Kiwami" - the upgrade system is much more fleshed out and there are a bunch of QoL changes for the better and being able to actively see side missions on the map. Example: you can now see what you've eaten in prior visits in an attempt to finish challenges. I do like the story of Kiryu vs. Ryu and the whole 'one dragon to rule them all' thing, interested to see where it goes from here.



Started Yakuza Kiwami 2 tonight and had a few thoughts.

First, the world and characters appear to be much more detailed than “Yakuza 0” and “Yakuza Kiwami 1”, though the game seems to drop from 60fps to 30fps. I’m fine with fidelity over frame rate, but after 100 hours with one, it’s difficult adjusting to the other.

Second, the single fighting style is a nice edit, with the stats system throwing me for a complete loop - I’m finding myself eating more now than I did in the prior games.

Third, thank goodness for the graveyard ‘flashback’ sequences - the problem with playing Kiwami 1, then 0 is that my memory of the characters and their arcs are backwards or all fucked up. This game seems to rely on continuity for the story; playing the first game without character context, then playing the prequel really forced me to remember who was who. The story seems believable, and after 2 hours, I feel ‘at home’ in Sotenbori and Kamorocho, being able to remember where food shops and stores are.

Oh, that’s the last thing - be able to walk INTO shops and interact feels new in this series (to me), so it’s a nice change. 2 hours in and meeting the Dragon of Kinsai has done some nice foreshadowing. :)




Finally, after another 30 minutes and 2 hours+ yesterday, I completed the game. Phew!



Worked on progress in the game from Level 24 to... the final boss fight... HOLY F#*$%.



Finished the final chapter solo tonight; this is an excellent local-coop party game that I’ll pull out for the occasional party I throw. Game feels like the games of old and I really enjoyed it.



Made some more progress tonight; hit a wall with some of the Heavy Dragurs and had to really lean into the dodging system - I suppose it's the game twisting the learning curve a bit.



Finished with the "Real Estate Royale" mini game and unlocked the [REDACTED] - MAN OH MAN was that fun to dump money into. Finished the story and... seeing where Kiryu and Majima come from in context from Yakuza Kiwami 1 adds so much more context - highly recommend anyone interested in the mainline series should start with Yakuza 0 specifically for the backstory.



More Real Estate Royale grinding tonight while watching a documentary for 2-3 hours; all purchaseable locations have been bought and the first 4 areas have been S-ranked. Once I defeat the Media King, I'll be finishing this game; watching/listening to something else while grinding a game isn't something I enjoy, but I think I subliminally don't want the game to end. :)


Finished Chapter 4's 'Golden Ridge' after having to YouTube a solution. Getting a bit stuck in the depths of the 'Mirror Temple' in Chapter 5.



My god, this game is gorgeous. Started the game tonight; everything about the game is stunning. The axe feels spectacular and the fights feel visceral. Fight with "The Stranger" was a phenomenal setpiece. Can't wait to continue the story.



Continuing to grind the Real Estate Royale game at the 45 hour mark - I'm realizing that this is just an unconscious way to avoid stopping the game. :) I've got about 50% of the Media King's properties and almost S-Ranked the entirety of the other 4 areas. Money money.


Had some time to play last night, so grinded away at the Real Estate Royale side game while listening to podcasts. Defeated the Gambling King, S-Ranked the first 3 areas, and now working on the Media King. Kiryu is going to be overpowered as hell for the final fight (at some point).

November, 2022


Completed Chapter 03 and started Chapter 04 tonight; the hotel area was quite unique and the 'boss fight' run was very Mario Bros-esque (run away from left to right).

Some of the puzzles in the 'Golden Ridge' area are quite difficult; with me struggling at the end of the night for over 30 minutes in a single area.



Finished the main story tonight, it ended better than I thought it would. Nice, quick enjoyable campaign for a fighting game - really love NetherRealm's quality. :)



Replayed all of the Real Estate Royale from last week (when I didn't save like an idiot), I have complete control of the Leisure, Pleasure and Electronic areas and building capital to buyout the Gambling King's area. This little side game is more of a stall before ending the main story campaign since, as my habit with games is, once I 'roll credits' on a game, I'm done with it. Plus, I don't mind Kiryu or Majima to be OP as shit for the final missions. :)


Checking in at the 40 hour mark and decided that once I beat this game, I probably won’t come back to it.

Decided to bulk up Kiryu for the final fight, so I played the real estate game. Bought all of the Electronic District and Pleasure District properties, re-investing hundreds of millions of yen into 10-15 locations to S-Rank for maximum profits.

Defeated the Electronics King and the Adult King (that challenge with the phone was hysterically funny), and super charged Kiryu with over $300 million in upgrades after earning the $1 billion CP challenge. Decided to switch to Majima and super charge his abilities as well before the final fight.

4 hours later, I was ready for the final fight. Turned off my PS4 and felt a cold chill - I forgot to save the game. Turned it back on…. all of tonight’s gameplay was lost… I’m going to bed.


Made it through Chapters 01 and 02 tonight, finding the platforming a bit more tricky and the introduction to the story/characters pleasant. Starting to see the ‘mental health’ storyline flesh out and I really dig that.


I’m about 2 hours through the campaign, I know maybe 60% of the cast, and the storyline is confusing as shit. I’m enjoying it though, playing as different characters. I want it to end though; I don’t want to quit the game at this point (I’m close to the end at Chapter 8).



Started the game tonight; story seems a little bit of a stretch and hard to follow since I didn’t/don’t remember the story from the original. Fighting moves and combos are fun, but I’m devolving to 2-3 hit combos and button mashing, all in good fun.



36 hours in and started Chapter 16 tonight; I loved the ‘takoyaki’ throwback during yet another emotional moment in the game. Majima’s ‘I’m takin’ every last one of you straight to the pits of hell’ was a moment that I was absolutely sucked into - and I want this ending BADLY. Started the final chapter and got to the ‘the game ends here, stock up on shit before continuing’ section and had to stop for the night. I’m edging to finish this game.



Played for about 20 minutes today, the platforming is giving me Super Meat Boy vibes, but I'm already seeing the need for Assist Mode in the future. The music is really beautiful though - I can definitely see myself vibing to it in an office setting.



Whoa. That fucking ending. Wish I hadn't decided to leave the machine gun in the box though. Glad that my first RE experience was this game - really enjoyed it.




Finished Chapter 4 and 5 - gotta say that the game was just 'tight' enough to stay fresh throughout the game while being short enough to not outstay its welcome. Would recommend for horror fans looking for a quick thing to try.





Played this game during Extra Life 2022; it’s more Jackbox, and that’s a good thing. That said, the games are starting to get a little bit too complex for my taste. Gone are the days of “Quiplash”, my friends.

Started / Finished



Played this game during Extra Life 2022 for a friend and mine’s annual tournament; this felt more ‘solid’ than previous entries, though I personally couldn’t tell any direct upgrades to the game. All in all, if you’ve played one, you’ve played them all.

Started / Finished