Malditos sejam os gamers que disseram que esse era ruim!!
Me diverti horrores e tomei cada sustão (queria estar streamando, seria mto engraçado)
Divertido, o combate é bacana, quase não tem puzzles, o que faz falta e o Nemesis é um pé no saco. Mas valeu a experiência.

Well, this was disappointing…
Hear me out! I’m not some gamer that is mad that a black character is displayed as a protagonist in this title, or that MJ gets to be a big part of the plot.
My whole problem with Spiderman 2, is how the game stretches itself unnecessarily. I was SO invested in the hunters plot, and Kraven was a powerful threat to percy. But after that plot wraps up, we get a new, long, and confusing plot about Venom/Harry Osborn. There were a LOT of plot conveniences, like characters magically discovering new abilities, exactly when it were needed, people having full character transformations out of nowhere and characters having supernatural visions of their objectives…
The gameplay is fun, but some of the fights get REALLY chaotic really fast.
The boss fights were kinda exausthing, to be honest. After 70% of the main story, I was so bored that I changed the difficulty to story mode because I just wanted the experience to end (I tried watching the ending online, but that felt unfair to the experience I’ve had previously).
It’s a evolution of the first in some aspects, specially in cinematography!!
Swinging is one of the best ways of transportation I’ve ever seen in a game, New York is as beautiful as in the previous game, but still as empty.
A fun experience, but totally forgettable, the first one is way better.
(Cant believe this was nominated as GoTY tbh. It’s not even close to some of the other contenders).

This game is what CD Projekt Red promised that Cyberpunk 2077 would be at launch.
BG3 changed the gaming industry FOREVER.

Just… mediocre?
I used to be obsessed with Harry Potter growning up, and don’t get me wrong, the magic is there. What the game lacks, it’s the game aspect.
From the first scene to the final boss, everything is just generic, average and kinda boring to be honest.
I can see the potential, but this one wasn’t for me.

Lacks the impact the previous game had. Maybe I’ll try again in the future.

Very buggy, but the cast of characters and the whole mistery is very fun. Can’t wait to play the upcoming game

Love the message on war and picturing people as “others”
Cool ending too

Cool twist, but kinda underwhelming

My first game ever. I remember not having a memory card and trying to beat the game on my old PS2. Good times ❤️

This was so fun to play during the PanDemi Lovato. Never touched after.