they made star platinum punches lifeless, turned hindu mythology into bad scifi, and didn't even put an ending in unless you spent $20. really bad anime that you can press buttons during

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2022


1 year ago

sorry brock, you're gonna have to ride solo on this one

1 year ago

vegeta kneel

1 year ago

lmao cope

1 year ago

you have the worst opinions i have seen on this site! :)

1 year ago

don't know who you are
@19mile dont worry, brock is a troll

1 year ago

and who are you?

1 year ago

@19mile I don't think you've seen their Bioshock Infinite Complete Edition review

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Gotta revisit this massive L

1 year ago

pretty rich coming from someone who ovjectifies women...