Didn't like this one as much as I thought I would. The concept is interesting but the movement feels sluggish and the abilities are too unwieldy. That's the point I guess, but I wish there was a game like this with better controls

if gearbox add those stinkbugs and blighted enemies in the new dlc, I'm obliterating myself irl

played it for the first time in years, liked it more this time round.

i liked the 1 portal puzzles more than the later ones, a couple cool new mechanics but if you've played a portal game before then u instinctively know how to solve most of these ones too.

My brain isnt big enough for this but still cool

Most complex labyrinthian map ever designed and u barely even interact with the other players

You need to sign a peace treaty before playing this or you will lose friendships

This was probably the deal of the century when it came out

We making it out of Central City with this one 🗣️‼️

Fun for one week, campaign was trash