The pandemic really got my friends and I playing anything what is this

I was the first person to discover murder-suicide and many variations of the same word but with a bunch of numbers after it

You'll never catch me playing online on the official games again

I love playing against firecracker and tesla every game it's so cool

Played back in my Xbox game pass era. Decent time waster with friends but nothing amazing

I'm not eggpilled enough for this.

bold choice to include Mario Maker dev paths in one of the levels

nintendo, steal cactuar from square enix I need him in mario kart.

Lost my save data so I'll probably never finish the game, but I've played through botw i've got the gist of it

Excited to see what they do with the sequel, this was a good start and Inscription was great

Didn't like this one as much as I thought I would. The concept is interesting but the movement feels sluggish and the abilities are too unwieldy. That's the point I guess, but I wish there was a game like this with better controls

if gearbox add those stinkbugs and blighted enemies in the new dlc, I'm obliterating myself irl

played it for the first time in years, liked it more this time round.