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🀠 yer time has been extended!

Daytona USA might lack the best handling, content or track design, but it more than makes up for it in classic Sega charm. From the attract screen to the game over jingle, every ounce of the game's presentation and mood is memorable. Befitting its accessible and friendly 'hanging out with the bros at the bowling alley arcade' nature, it's pure 90s motorsport pop art in video game form - there is quite few like it.

Like all pre-Final Fight beat 'em ups, this is janky as hell and not very fun to play, but god DAMN does Daddy Mulk go hard.

Even with a romhack, it's no good.


Released as freeware only two years before the Steam/Xbox Live indie game boom of the early 2010s, Iji missed out on a LOT of attention and it stings. So ahead of its time it's insane.

75% of the assets are completely stolen, and yet this still manages to have some of the most soul I've ever seen put into an indie video game. Long live Dong Dong.


We could have had Ninja Gaiden Souls.

Instead we got Nioh, Nioh 2, Chinese Nioh and Final Fantasy Nioh. May God smite Team Ninja.

A forgettable entry in the SNK fighting canon that will only be remembered for having the hardest promo art ever to exist.

The peak of 2D fighters as far as I'm concerned. No other has achieved how fluid and responsive this game is.

One of the greatest PS2 fighters of all time.

Oh look, it's that boring cereal mascot that everybody pretended to like but nobody actually plays. L

This might be the only 2D fighting sequel released in the past few years (as of 2022) which actually gives the player more options rather than the opposite. KOF holds the line.

When it comes to "technical milestones in gaming history", we think about our Dooms, or Star Foxes, our Mario 64s, our FF7s. But never does Ys Book I & II come up.

This was an epic 20-hour two-part RPG with animated cutscenes, fully-fledged professional voice acting in both Japanese and English, arranged OST using real CD instruments, and extensive side content all in 1989. A 500MB game in a time when games rarely exceeded 500KB. And it was all done by a small Japanese studio. This is one for the history books and it's a shame it doesn't get the respect the deserves.

As for the game itself, though? Haha, bump combat go BRRRRRRBRBRBRBRRRBRRBRR

Smash babbies are not ready for Tekken inputs.

Why are there 4 versions of MGS3 clogging the highest avg. charts? Sort that out, Backloggd team.

Fuck Microsoft, fuck Phil Spencer, fuck the entire gaming industry, and you know what, fuck gaming in general. I'm gonna go try a different hobby.