Solid pacing, distribution of rewards, and fulfilling combat. Sadly, I feel like it overstays its welcome towards the end, and the plot becomes gradually more nonsensical. Yes, I know this is a game about fourth graders playing super heroes, so a lot of the humour stems from randomness and arbitrary play rules. But it could’ve easily been five hours shorter and just as good. It’s like they freaked out towards the end and tried to pack in as many tangential show references as they could.

This game is completely stunning - masterfully crafted. The game has total confidence in allowing you to experience every moment of this world, from the exhilarating to the serene and even mundane. It’s slow-paced as a result, but it’s as much of an experience as it is a game. Ultimately, the stagnating gameplay of the later acts wasn’t able to sustain the remaining 20-30 hours of gameplay, but I still had a fantastic time.

Brutal. Distressing. Arduous. Naughty Dog doesn’t make it easy to play The Last of Us for The Fun of It. But overall, it’s a compelling story about the dangers of revenge, even if it meanders, pads itself out unnecessarily, and commits the sequel sin of “more is better.“

I didn't technically finish the game because there's some kind of "epilogue" chapter, but I can't be bothered. So many of this game's mechanics are absolutely dreadful. Killzone 2 & 3 are somehow BEYOND superior in terms of raw game design to this godawful disgrace of a game. Seriously, it's pretty, but some of the gameplay systems feel like PS2-era design. I'm not kidding.

100% story completion

Dead Island remains a joyous romp throughout due to its satisfying gameplay loop of visceral combat and player upgrades. Just don’t expect brilliance in any other categories.

Beat on Challenging difficulty

Some mechanics could use more polish, but it’s solid nearly all the way through. Three stars because it features some really poorly designed puzzles near the end (wind-based).

It’s a very “gamey” game clearly created out of reverence for the games that inspired it. I was underwhelmed for the first third, but it really picks up momentum as more mechanics are introduced. By the last third, everything “clicked” and I really enjoyed the balance of combat, puzzles, and traversal. It suffers from pretty horrible pacing and a threadbare plot with tons of narrative gatekeeping, but it’s fairly solid overall. I enjoyed my time spent with this one.

Cleared on normal. -- So, that's a wrap. It was good. I think MGS2 had a better story though. Also, Shark status, b*tches!

Completed on normal difficulty. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't confused about the ending. So. Many. Questions, gah.

Definitely not as good as MGS due to an overly complex plot and less memorable characters all around. It's still really good though - the first-person aiming system is an essential addition, the swordplay is kinda cool, and of course, the stealth is better than before with very much improved AI. The controls are still a little awkward in the end at times, but chances are you'll get comfortable with them after a few hours.

Finished on Solid Normal, Eagle rating. | Honestly... I kind of expected more. But MGS4 ties its loose ends pretty tightly.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this one - more than anything, it just feels like closure and little else. It's an ending to the series and a beginning to a new chapter for Snake, but on its own, it does little to make it comparable to the first two MGS titles. Gameplay wise, it's the best MGS has ever been. But story-wise, it lacks a seriously inspired creative vision, and relies too much on what's already been established - like the Star Wars Episode 3 of the franchise.

Cleared arcade mode with more than a few characters.

As the ONLY fighter I've ever bought at release for full price, this game was a bit of a disappointment. The actual fighting is good, but the selection of modes and stages is incredibly shallow. Not to mention not even a year later, ULTIMATE MvC3 was released, which was like twisting the knife that had already been lodged deep inside my back. Sigh... It's still fun, though.

Finished story mode (82% completion)! Duuuuuuude, that was one of the most fun final boss levels ever.

The most inventive, creative, and craziest platformer I've played in years. The controls are what some might deem "floaty," but f*** that man. Bring some buds along for co-op and this game is a total blast. I challenge you to find another platformer that packs this much variety. If you're looking for something that isn't Mario or Sonic, definitely check this one out.

Completed on Elite difficulty. // Man, I forgot how sh*tty and abrupt the ending is in this game. Still fun though!

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Finished on Normal difficulty, good ending. // I played Cole, "the saint." Next: Cole, "the taint."

Infamous 2 is a lot of fun. You get awesome electric-based powers, and they're constantly evolving to keep you playing. The narrative missions string things along nicely, and although the ending pulls a pretty lame 180, it's great all the way through.

A fun ride, and easily the best super-hero-themed game I've played. It gets a bit repetitive here and there, but it's enjoyable the whole way through and definitely worth finishing. Oddly, the "good" ending I found to be rather depressing. Bring on Infamous 2!