a very cute little metroidvania soulslike whatever the fuck genre you wanna call this. you play as a rat and the game is narrated by geralt. great shit all around

this shit gets my blood boiling. absolute rage incarnate. fun game

my 2023 GOTY, narrowly beating BG3

this game is unlike anything i've played before. the way it balances horror and humor is astounding. i look forward to pouring many more hours into it

one of the worst launchers for a game that i've ever seen. not even remotely worth the $70 price tag. but it is very fun and the zombies mode bangs

not sure if this even counts as a game so much as a spreadsheet simulator, but damn it's a relaxing spreadsheet simulator

clunky as shit and insanely hard, but one of the most unique games i've ever played. i cannot wait for the full release to see this beauty in all its glory

this game made me realize how cathartic cleaning sims are. a little clunky, but nothing gamebreaking

more like midhau. the playerbase for this game is insane and there's nothing that can counteract that and make this game actually fun to play

the pvp in this game makes me want to blow my brains out, but the pve and atmosphere are unmatched


unironically one of my favorite games of all time. i was still a baby when the hype train for this game derailed, so that aspect of the game leaves no bitterness with me. i have a blast every time i play it

i had pretty big expectations going into this, many people hyped it up and made it seem like an absolute Must Play. it was quite fun for the first couple hours, but it becomes quickly apparent that that gameplay loop is all you're going to get through the rest of the game. combined with the lackluster story and awful writing, i find it difficult to continue this one. someday i'll finish it, probably

i had fond memories of this as a child, but coming back to it as an adult.. holy fuck this game is boring

how come you get to play as all the fish twice EXCEPT the cool ass shark

this game markets itself as a barebone RTS, and it delivers on that front in spades. i don't care for complicated games myself, being a brainlet, but even i get a little bored of how simple this game is.