So much fun and a great improvement on the series to have you driving around in your free time. tons of customization, an amazing OST, some really cool cars, and an amazing game for its time.

So much customization, so many cool rides, fun races, a great soundtrack, and so much fun to mess around with. great game that never got the continuations it deserved on new consoles.

A phenomenal take on the Tony hawk series that changes everything up and makes it more fun while continuing with the challenges and skating from the previous ones. A great cast, and much more of an open feel than previous games.

One of my favorite games every, craziness, fun, and classic skating all packed into one game that brings the real personalities into the perfect setting for a funny and enjoyable game

I still dont know why this game was so much fun at times but it was. Always played this with friends growing up and it was so cool and enjoyable. really good game to mess around on and play with friends.

really cool game with an interesting cast, a fun storyline, tons to explore, and mini games to keep you busy.

Another awesome Bethesda game, tons to offer in terms of customization and how you want your character to be. Generally not a huge fan of the magic/dragons type games, but this one is tons of fun.

My first Bethesda game and one that I couldn't put down at the time. tons of improvements in later Bethesda games, but this one set the tone for the console ones and was really a great game.

This game was a ton of fun to mess around on and was so goofy at times that it made it even better. A fun game with nice gameplay, cool weapons, and a great map thats fun to move around on.

A great game to play with friends that introduced a fun story and a unique gameplay design that was great solo or with friends.

A fun sequel that added to the first one in many ways and kept the series interesting.

Another fun game in the series, lots of the same stuff with a new story and various improvements.

This game is so toxic and frustrating at times, but also very fun and rewarding at others. extremely toxic community, but a great game to play along with friends if you dont take it too seriously.

Such a great COD game, and one of the best stories and cast among all the entries in the series. First to really bring me into the multiplayer gaming scene and a classic for sure.

The pinnacle of Call of Duty games in my opinion, another great story, and the best multiplayer in the series. Put so many hours into this with friends back in high school and some of the best gaming moments I can remember.