32 reviews liked by carli_love





I finally decided to commit to completing the main story for Hades and I’m walking away from this just blown away at how this is the gold standard for a rogue like.

The narrative bits you get are what really drove me to keep pushing through each level. The combat is pitch perfect, performances are too notch. Everything is firing on all cylinders.

I honestly have no complaints for this game. Everything is just a blast to play and I’m so glad I decided to finish up the story.

This is the kinda game that makes anyone smile. Every time the level dramatically changed because of the wonder seed, it reminded me of why video games rock.

Unfortunately I only borrowed the game for a few days and couldn't finish it. Oh well, I won't mind replaying those levels again when I get it for myself.

gosh. i have a million things i could say about this game, but i'll keep it fairly brief. (or at least, i have MUCH more i could say)

this game is so fucking insane. there's SO MUCH going on here, from the hilariously shitty animations, to the environments that look like they were rendered on my car's key fob, to the out of nowhere over the top plot twists. there's also SO MUCH about this game that i dislike. some reveals make things in other games uncomfortable, and some character personality changes are undesirable. it's not all bad for me though. i had a much more emotional experience playing this game compared to VLR. while i do still think VLR is better than ZTD, i enjoy the character moments in this game far more. also, the characters in this one are so much less gross personality-wise, and i didn't feel absolutely disgusted by random sexual harassment like i did in VLR. of course, there are still characters in this game i dislike. overall, even if the directions personalities go in and everything feel haphazard and arbitrary, i will not lie that i sobbed several times in this game and don't feel cheated out of enjoying those moments.

the structure of the game is cool!!! no notes there. at the start of playing the game i was like "oh fuck this is,,, yeah, huh.." but as i kept going, it makes sense why the game is like this (fragments, etc).

i think ZTD had really big shoes to fill after VLR. that's not to say that VLR was a masterpiece that can't be topped (because i do not hold that opinion), but because the scope of the Zero Escape series grew so goddamn much with VLR. you could argue that the whole series after 999 doesn't really "have a point" in more ways than one. but, at the same time, i think there's not really much else you can do to rectify everything. instead, we get a absolutely nutty bonkers game that had me saying "oh my fuck i love this game" to "oh my fuck i hate this game" every other hour.

puzzles are fine. that's it. they're fine. not enough of them, tho. i finished all of the puzzles like halfway through my playtime. worst puzzle design of the series for sure, but nothing is egregious.

i'm glad i played it, and i still had a good time, despite the numerous issues i have. i was consistently excited to play this game, even if i could tell that it kiiiinda sucks. zero escape is over. what the fuck.


Me gustaria ver a ese tal Zero trabajar en el dilema de la atencion al cliente a ver si tiene tantas agallas

I feel like I was scammed by this game describing itself as a hack and slash. I don't think I would want to recommend it to anyone but I respect the bold design choices.

He dudado si recomendarlo o no, pero creo que iré a por el no. Es cierto que es bonito y tiene una serie de cartas que, sin hacer sinergias, son interesantes de usar, pero es que no es divertido. Osea, el combate consiste en poner el ratón por encima de los enemigos mientras estos te cosen a tortas y solo te puedes mover por estrechos pasillos en una dirección u otra. A más bajes, más enemigos. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es ponerte cosas para regenerar vida y tanquear, porque si pretendes esquivar, date por muerto. Combate aburrido, movimiento claramente insuficiente... Y aun así me lo he acabado con un personaje. Quería ver el final, pero lo he hecho por pura gula, el hambre se me pasó al poco de empezar. Una pena, pero creo que no puedo recomendarlo.

This game has so many interesting mechanics and so much stuff that are very impressive for a gameplay loop that wants you to play a movie.

More money should have been spent into those gameplay mechanics instead of realism that very few people will notice. The game already looks realistic enough, the few details that cost so much weren't needed.

classic beat em up in the sense that it controls like shit and feels unfinished

I did spend 20+ hours moderately enjoying the game before realizing I had more fun listening to the podcasts on the side than the actual game. A decidedly mediocre experience deserves the prize of a solid 3/5 and a glowing "meh maybe try it if you're a Pokémon diehard seeking new thrills" recommendation.