47 Reviews liked by celfloral

Picross games and fakeout endings, name a more iconic duo

I don't get why this wasn't released! It's an accessible, friendly first Picross game which could have turned plenty of young Pokemaniacs into Picross addicts. The art is the clear highlight, with each image being quite lovely, especially for the hardware, and the Pokemon theming gives the game plenty of charm. There are 151 puzzles that you'll complete in the main game, one for each Pokémon (at the time). If you complete a puzzle, that Pokémon is added to your Pokédex, and the puzzle is marked with a Poké Ball. However, if you beat the puzzle under the target time, it's marked with a Great Ball instead. Is there any real reason to go for Great Balls on all of them? Not as far as I can tell! I came in under the target time on every single puzzle, and I'm unsure if anything in the game changed as a result. Probably not worth all the retries!

Throughout these 151 puzzles, I feel comfortable saying this is an entry-level Picross game. Nothing is too difficult, largely due to the small resolution of the Game Boy. This means that you won't encounter any puzzles larger than 15x15, though the game does fake its way to 20x20 and 30x30 pictures by splitting those images into 4 quadrants, essentially just being a group of 10x10 or 15x15 puzzles that must be completed in a row. It keeps things quite simple, but they definitely did the best they could with the hardware limitations. Though there is one adjustment made by the dev team that might be controversial; instead of actually drawing the pixels in the images, you're sort of highlighting over the lines in broad strokes, allowing for more detailed stills. You can see in this image how there are black lines underneath the dark blue filled squares. This does end up causing a LOT more completely filled-in rows than your average Picross game, but again, I think it works well as an introductory title.

However, after the game rolls credits, a new mode is unlocked. In the Safari Park, you'll be completing images of multiple Pokémon in a variety of settings. These puzzles skew towards the larger side, have stricter Great Ball times, and most crucially, multi-screen puzzles which are split into 4 quadrants no longer tell you if one quadrant has been successfully completed. You must verify for yourself that no required square has been left unfilled, which ultimately soured me on my experience quite a bit. When you're trying to make that Great Ball time, nothing is more frustrating than thinking you're done, only to have to go check your work across 4 different 15x15 puzzles, searching for the single pixel you missed. Later Picross games tend to change the color of the numbered prompts associated with a row or column once you have filled the proper number of squares, a QOL improvement which I desperately missed here. The game does allow you to mark the numbers yourself, but that takes enough time to do that I don't think I'd ever make a Great Ball time in the Safari Park while doing so.

In short, Pokémon Picross for the Game Boy is Baby's First Picross, until the Safari Park happens. I think it's a great introduction to this style of puzzle, and a much more worthwhile entry than other titles on the Game Boy. But there is a serious handbrake turn towards frustrating difficulty in the post-game, and I haven't even taken into account any time penalties for marking the wrong squares. As an unearthed relic that never saw a formal release, I think it's absolutely worth checking out, just don't expect anything groundbreaking.

In 1904, game designer, writer, reporter, Georgist and feminist Elizabeth Magie patented The Landlord's Game: a scathing review of the contemporary trends of rent and land ownership (in the form of a board game). The idea was that players could understand the complicated web of "The Rich Get Richer" from a more simplified point of view. Fairness could be instilled in children when they play this game and realize how cruel the world could be if we let it. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, this did not work out. The world is still cruel because we have let it. Even more unfortunate for her, Parker Brothers made Monopoly in 1935, a game very much like The Landlord's Game, that quickly took the world by storm and became commonplace in American homes. Monopoly probably came to be due to some perfectly legal patent loopholes, but it's clear that a piece made to criticize greed eventually became a vehicle for it.

Perhaps Monopoly took off the way it did because The Landlord's Game is from the point of view of the owners of money and land. But what if it was from the point of view of someone who has no money?

Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is a scathing indictment of greed and the acquisition of money, more ferocious and toothed than anything The Landlord's Game could conjure up. It is made to inspire the soul crushing feelings of a minimum wage 9-5 and it does it very well. Most games demand you grind to work your way up. Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland demands you grind to lift your pathetic leg up on the first rung of the ladder.
Everything, down to talking with npcs, costs money. And you, as the titular 35-year-old virgin Tingle, (who has very, very little to do with the series he originated in) have none of it. Want to look at things in a store? Want to ask someone a question? Better clock in and beat up some animals to do an imaginary coin flip to get an item so that you can sell it for a paltry sum of rupees.

Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland works so much better as a piece of critical art than The Landlord's Game because it is terrible. It is boring, it is bland, it is repetitive, it is exactly what having a job is like. And brother? i quit this job after two days.

I hate this game. I recommend it to not only Zelda fans, but anyone who enjoys art.

okay so super mario advance is super mario 2, super mario advance 2 is super mario world, super mario advance 3 is super mario world 2, and super mario advance 4 is super mario bros 3? got it

I respect women like Halimede. Women with courage.

It's an amazing collection, just a shame it doesn't include Ultra Despair Girls

I had so much fun playing this, I couldn’t stop until I finished. I was really happy to have Pearl and Marina featured in the DLC, and the story was simple but fun and sweet. Really loved seeing Marina gush over Pearl lol.

The game style is addictive, and difficult enough to be satisfying, but not infuriating when I can’t clear a level. I’ve only played one other roguelike and it was really frustrating, I didn’t even finish it..But Side Order makes me want to give them another shot! Sad that I was able to finish it so quickly, honestly.

I think this DLC is really fun! It was addictive to go through the spire with each palette, and it’s fun choosing different colour chips. I wish there was a little more variety in the stage objectives and maybe one more mini boss but I think this DLC is solid.

Genuinely the most inspired Super Mario experiences I've seen since Super Mario World. It's not even an exaggeration, totally enjoyed every bit of this experience. Wish it was longer!

We need to stop saying "best 2d mario since X" it just IS the best one

A fantastic game that adds so much life to a series that felt pretty stale for a while. All of the stages, with and without the wonder flower changes, made them such a joy to play through.

I only have three complaints. Firstly, and to be fair, this is absolutely a nitpick, but I felt the controls were not as tight as I would've liked. Especially with the wall jumping, I didn't like how I needed to wait a second to cling to the wall before making the jump. For some of the harder levels, it is basically a make-or-break moment that I just kept messing up due to that.

Secondly, I wish that we had more varied boss fights throughout the game. Of the few we had, they all felt the exact same, and not to mention the final boss fight also felt a bit lackluster.

Finally, the coop that was implemented made doing some levels more difficult. I played this game with my wife and she is not an expert gamer at all. So when we would both die they would just make her the leader of the group. I wish they could make me the permanent leader since she always got nervous about having the crown.

Despite all these complaints, this is still a wonderful game and an absolute joy to play. Finding all the secrets and exploring the world was so much fun to do. Nintendo is still the master of 2D platformers, so if you want to play a new game I highly recommend this one.

Probably the best indie 3D platformer puzzle first person shooter visual novel game I've played.
The gameplay is amazing, it feels and controls perfectly and the effects especially by the end of the game are just pure fun. It's easy to get the hang of, but it still feels rewarding when you discover some unusual solutions. Level design is insane and despite extremely rapid pace you (almost) never get confused. Visuals are great, soundtrack is great. Everything is filled to the brim with adrenaline, fun and goofiness.
Yeah the writing is cringe sometimes and the characters are cliche, but it doesn't annoy me and even fits the game really well, because it's silly and innocent (like in Night in the Woods and not like in David Cage's games) and full of sincere nostalgia and love for the pop culture. Plus the voice acting is perfect for these characters and the visual novel elements are well executed and sometimes even feel a bit satirical.
Actually the game is full of little nostalgic pieces, all the stuff from 00s games like the ghost playback, prizes in secret places, leaderboards, hub zone, medals, pushing player to replay levels hundreds of times... Parts of the game also remind me of CS surf maps and other parts of more recent Clustertruck.
This is such a fun game and even after completion I want to replay lots of its moments.

Yeah it's good. A lot of much needed 2D Mario creativity on display. Favorite new feature is actually the badges, having a glide or a double jump that's not locked behind a power up that you can lose if you get hit is really cool! Probably my second favorite elephant related game of 2023.

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I played Luna-Terra as the most resigned cop, as a paragon of uncharismatic adult compromise, and yet she still found it in her to shoot her womanchild ex in favor of a fluffy three-girl polycule.

I'm assuming that there are bad endings, or at least endings with a little more substance, but I don't know if I care to play a second route. The whole effort is kitsch without a sense of humor, something which appropriates the thematic structure of early-00s Gainax while insisting, without adding much substance, on a dry profundity that those shows never aspired to.

That missing sense of humor, or even just a sense that any fun was had in its composition, could have made the piece work. The fight sequences, in particular, are made up of creative writing program prose poetry which I found painful to read and yet too rote to be called cringe. They're obviously intended to evoke sex, but what this amounts to is a series of coy allusions to topping and bottoming and characters grinning deviously at one another while reading their Twitter posts aloud. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, this is erotica written as if it were a painful duty.

The decision to split the game into scenes which can have no real consequence beyond filling one of three meters willingly sacrifices the possibility of a dramatic structure, of character growth, or of developing relationships. The aforementioned ex betrayal and polycule ending didn't come out of the game's events: Luna-Terra's decision to lunafy terra seems to have come about offscreen prior to the game's start, and her shockingly robust sense of solidarity with the other two pilots seems to have been formed because she was mildly charming during robot impact play.

Ultimately can't help but feel this is using its medium and genre not to support its themes but to avoid developing them. I hate to have to say this sincerely but I think the Halimede RP account deals with a lot of these ideas more succinctly and completely.

This game is equally weird and zany as it is peaceful. If I played this game at 7 years old I would never put it down.