remakes that can replace

"i'll wait for the remake" (see also: remakes that cause damage)

with the industry being so inundated with old ideas lately, there've been a lot of great games brushed to the side by casual audiences due to concerns of clunky and obtuse game design. i'm of the opinion that modernization is not automatically a good thing and that viewing game design through a strict lens of old vs new is an all-around bad idea

this list serves a twofold purpose: to assert that remakes are not replacements (by exclusion) and to also draw attention to the few remakes that you may actually want to prioritize over their original releases. this will include "enhanced ports" that make changes to graphics/gameplay

suggestions are welcome, but the criteria is going to be very strict

Game & Watch Gallery 4
Game & Watch Gallery 4
you could argue that game & watch games can't be truly replicated without the actual hardware, but this is as close as you're ever gonna get

also just a great way to introduce someone to these games. being able to easily bounce between the modern and classic renditions is a really nice touch


ESP Ra.De. Psi
ESP Ra.De. Psi
catch-all for quite literally every shmup remaster that m2 has done. they're arguably the best in the industry


Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
includes the original game via classic mode and is highly customizable beyond that as well


The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
introduces the revolutionary feature of not bricking your console

(also an optional dungeon)


Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
catch-all for atelier dx/plus games besides rorona; they include previously released dlc and optional qol such as battle speedup


Castlevania Advance Collection
Castlevania Advance Collection
applies primarily to circle of the moon for giving the option to see which enemies drop cards

that alone would save most people from dropping it


Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
while there are issues with the - optional - "remastered" visuals/performance, the original experience is only improved by giving the player options to speed up combat and avoid battles

it's worth noting that in chrono cross you do not gain exp for battling. so there's no point in fighting the same enemies in the event that you get lost while backtracking

this isn't gonna matter to everyone, but it'll stop the less patient from dropping a great game


Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
true to the originals - arguably to a fault. the hd assets can also be disabled

gameplay is completely unaltered beyond being built for current hardware


Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
catch-all for dmc enhanced ports. same game, more content


Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
catch-all for disgaea 'complete' editions, besides 1, which changes the art direction


Grim Fandango Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
hd toggle + bonus content. optional point/click controls


Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
applies to halo 1/2 specifically on the pc version. not sure if the xbox collection was fully patched

godsend of a port. hd toggle (keep it off) and online multiplayer are reason enough to never touch the originals again


Hitman World of Assassination
Hitman World of Assassination
applies to hitman 2 and 3. hitman 1's content was trimmed


Kowloon High-School Chronicle
Kowloon High-School Chronicle
you don't really have another way to play this game unless you speak japanese, but thankfully it's just the same thing as the ps2 version except in widescreen


Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
applies strictly to mm1-6 as well as 9 and 10. those games are presented in unaltered form with optional 'enhancements'. they also include time trials and other challenges

7 and 8 have various removals as well as increased input lag


Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
better framerate/controls; exact same game otherwise

worth noting that mgs2/3's ps2 rereleases add optional content and are the definitive versions of those games. not including them however because this list doesn't account for rereleases on the same console


Sega Ages Phantasy Star
Sega Ages Phantasy Star
applies to pretty much every sega ages version. offers modern qol without forcing it. optional automap and the like


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
applies to desu2 record breaker as well. same game, more content


Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters
hd version has online support, more playable characters and no input lag


StarCraft: Remastered
StarCraft: Remastered
same game, at a higher resolution with the option to toggle hd assets on and off


Tales of Graces f
Tales of Graces f
lol you probably didn't even know this was released on wii

one really good change to this version is that your console doesn't shut itself off when you begin a second playthrough


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
includes an optional dungeon and realizes the game in color

play the original only if you care about screen warp glitching or whatever


Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
hd toggle


3 months ago

I'd say that the PS2 rereleases of the Metal Gear games fit here, MGS2 substance & MGS3 Subsistence. Substance adds lots of new optional content that doesn't affect the main game at all and just has more stuff to do outside of the main campaign. MGS3 Subsistence adds ports of the OG MG1 & 2 localized in English for the first time, Ape Escape Crossover Minigame, and a optional different camera control that can be completely ignroed in favour of the og camera among some other neat stuff. So both add lots to the game with zero reason to ever play the og in favour. PS3 rerelease of MGS2 & Peacewalker also fit, both lose nothing from the OGs except being a higher resoloution & for PW a higher framerate better controls and also able to transfer saves from the HD version to the PSP original.

Persona 3 FES could also be added since there is no reason to play vanilla instead of FES. It adds some optional new events into the Main story as well as a extra campaign which can be ignored if wished. I can't think of any reason you'd want to play the orignal instead of FES unless you want to see the slightly different main menu

3 months ago

I guess I can see your logic, in that case i think Kingdom Hearts HD releases are a good fit. I'm fairly certain they are identical to PS2 releases in every aspect except resolution is higher and character textures are improved, they are however extremely faithful. They also include all content from Final Mix releases some of which were Japan only afaik.

3 months ago

@red_by kh 1.5 and 2.5 have remade music and plenty of people prefer the midi versions. for those people it's more ideal to play the ps2 version of final mix

3 months ago

@ollchops good call on mgs, but i'm gonna decline p3fes. changes some gameplay mechanics. most notably the ability for a social link to reverse. also the additional story scenes are fairly polarizing (regarding chidori)

that aside, the differences between p3/fes are poorly documented, so i'm gonna err on the side of caution

3 months ago

also this list doesnt account for rereleases on the same system. cant call them ports or remasters

3 months ago

I mean, they remade all of them so the 3D would work, but you're kinda right, at least with Sega. Its functionally no different from emulating them, but on a 3D display, from my experience, although its possible the games run better.

Nintendo seemed to make more changes to a few of their games. I think saving being added to Excitebike and Kid Icarus at least makes them eligible.

3 months ago

Actually reading the wiki for 3D Classics Kid Icarus, it might have too many changes.

3 months ago

Definitely add the Star Ocean Last Hope 4K remaster. Easily the best version available and much better than the Xbox 360 version.

Another one would be Final Fantasy X HD and FFX International.

3 months ago

p3fes still has social link reverses though?

3 months ago

Considering Castlevania Advance Collection is here, would Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and 2 count? It's the same games with optional savestates, optional challenges, optional filters, and an optional "turbo" CPU speed that reduces slowdown and flickering. There's also a museum with concept art plus a list of enemies that tells you each enemy's weakness.

3 months ago

G-Darius HD and Ray'z Arcade Chronology, though honestly its a catchall for the recent Taito collections M2 has done. Not only do they add optional modern QOL and graphical enhancements, they are more faithfully ported than they have ever been, and are the best way to play those games in every way besides maybe price to some. But even then they've been going on sale more recently.

Unless you insist on playing on PCBs for score it doesn't get any better than that, imo.

3 months ago

Cotton Reboot! would be a great addition, too. I actually prefer the remake over the original game due to its more thoughtful game balance, and a really good port of the original game is included with it too with some much needed enhancements. Namely improved controls and it being based on the X68000 port of the original Fantastic Night Dreams: Cotton, which is already considered the "director's cut" version of the game.

Only issues I have with the original port on there is some SLIGHT pixel shimmering, and a new cutscene font and no way to disable the Reboot! VA on the cutscenes. But I'll take that over the weirdass controls of the original.

3 months ago

@divedeep ffx hd is on the other list lmao. last hope works though - just removes disc swapping and lets you use the original portraits/voices

@apocynadeae u rite. me dumb. been a while

@hemerecio yeah that checks out

@tremirodomi would totally add but i only have one of m2's shmup remasters listed because otherwise this whole thing would be straight up overtaken by their work lmao

3 months ago

surprised there's no nightdive remakes on here since those are essentially the definition of this. they remake old pc games and include all optional content. additionally, every time they visually upgrade something, they include the original version as well. Stuff like their recent SW: Dark Forces, or their Quake series or Doom 64 ports are absurdly good.

3 months ago

@maelstrom i appreciate nightdive for preservation's sake, but i'd rarely ever actually play one of their remasters for any reason beyond compatibility. they tend to fuck up lighting, aim for too much in the way of 'modernization' and generally the visuals are an overall downgrade. sw dark forces i find especially hideous with the remastered visuals

3 months ago

powerslave without saturn lighting :(

sega 3d classics have some wicked features, the gyro tilt control in super hang on is very fun lol

3 months ago

How about The Bard's Tale Trilogy? It's a modern remake of the original Bard's Tale games with new QOL features and updates graphics and artstyle, while still allowing you to play with the original graphics from the OG.

3 months ago

@rogueliker i'm not seeing anywhere that you can toggle to original graphics. legacy mode makes no mention of it and reviews state there are no classic assets

3 months ago

@chandler I worded it poorly yeah, but Legacy Mode is still a thing in the game, and outside the Legacy Mode, the gameplay loop of The Bard's Tale is still generally the same as the original but with all the changes like the map and such. Sorry if I said It incorrectly btw.

3 months ago

@rogueliker yeah the art style is the deal breaker for me. i wouldn't play this version because i find it really uninteresting compared to the other versions

3 months ago

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3 months ago

i suppose i should reiterate that the purpose of this list isn't to recommend things that are close enough but more widely accessible to 'modern audiences'. the purpose of this list is to stress the importance of not neglecting works of art just because they're old. having strict criteria and an ultimately slim selection is very deliberate

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

Kowloon High-School Chronicle - ORIGIN OF ADVENTURE: Pretty much a 1:1 recreation of the original at a higher res, with both major changes being entirely optional; selectable difficulty and all dialogue having voice acting (the original was only partially voiceacted). However, none of the additional content from re:charge, a revision released 2 years after the original is present. Which is a bummer, but it technically can replace the original considering its not missing anything, and neither of the ps2 releases were ever localized nor (to my knowledge at least) have they been fan translated so not like non-japanese speakers have a real alternative anyway

Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Kenpūchō (DS): Another odd one from the same series. Features a route/ending for each character (previously only had one) new side content, and a playable prologue. What I find really unique is that all of that new content was originally from a fanmade expansion/revision for the PSX that was popularized enough they made it “canon” in this release.
As far as changes go: Art got redrawn (previously watercolor, now digital), every character’s facial expressions have been animated, new music for characters previously missing unique themes, and the UI is redesigned to better suit the DS’ screens. All the music is also different but I'm unsure if it's actually been recomposed, or simply the difference in the console’s soundfonts.
Side by side comparisons for each game’s visuals & music: PSX DS

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Gehōchō: Keppūroku: Going for a hat trick in this series. Haven't played and I’m relying on machine translated websites, so take it with a grain of salt. But it definitely feels more akin to an enhanced port than a remake. One additional chapter, a minigame, new illustrations, and some minor mechanical differences - in the original you can only talk to one companion after the end of each chapter, in this version you can talk to everyone. There's also apparently a custom move system and new ai for party companions but I can't find much info or footage on either.

Powerslave Exhumed: This one I can see being contentious. I personally view it as the definitive edition due to combining elements of both console versions and the DOS game together. You could argue the lighting is a downgrade from the saturn version (which it is). That being said, there's plenty of options you can use to get the visuals pretty close to those present in either console game, even down to the PSX’s texture warping. Still a totally different game from the DOS version, but I can't find myself ever revisiting the Saturn’s when this exists.

3 months ago

@elassirish kowloon high's more of a technicality than anything so i don't see much of a point - it's the only way to play it for most people, so of course it's what they'll go with. the sequel i wouldn't include on the basis that the art and music was remade. third i can't really judge for the same reasons as you

i suppose there's no harm in adding the original though. i've got chrono cross on here for similar "you can play it officially now" reasons due to its radical dreamers translation. so sure, why not

powerslave i'll disagree with for the reason @goznog mentioned and you addressed - it doesn't fully represent every version of the game and it doesn't unarguably do everything the best

3 months ago

I wonder if it's fruitful to create a list that can act as an in-between for this and the break one. Reason I asked is cause, alongside the Nightdive and Resident Evil suggestions being declined, I was gonna mention Live A Live's remake before realizing it was also really gonna be added in just for the "it's actually available to overseas audiences now instead of needing emulation" clause.

3 months ago

@blazingwaters the purpose of these two lists is to stress the importance of preserving original game releases and not writing them off unless they are either perfectly replicated or objectively improved upon

an in-between is something i would find way too grey and way too person-by-person to be viable. it's as valid of an idea as anything else for someone else to make, but it certainly wouldn't be me doing it

for instance i have very little interest in the the live a live remake because i don't like the aesthetic sacrifices it makes. i don't the like 2.5d style and i don't like that the text boxes are no longer personalized

3 months ago

For clarification, I don't mind the super strict criteria surrounding both of those lists, and I largely agree with what ypu're saying. It was more so just a stray shot suggestion than anything concrete and substantial (especially since you raised a great point, it'd be way too personalized even after supreme scrutiny for an either-or list to really matter).

Maybe I'll make it myself at some point since it'd be an alright point of reference regardless, but it just sorta heightens how fuzzy and constricting these remakes/remasters/rereleases can end up becoming. Doubly so as someone that's started to hate the idea of "a definitive version" or w/e.

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