remakes that can replace

"i'll wait for the remake" (see also: remakes that cause damage)

with the industry being so inundated with old ideas lately, there've been a lot of great games brushed to the side by casual audiences due to concerns of clunky and obtuse game design. i'm of the opinion that modernization is not automatically a good thing and that viewing game design through a strict lens of old vs new is an all-around bad idea

this list serves a twofold purpose: to assert that remakes are not replacements (by exclusion) and to also draw attention to the few remakes that you may actually want to prioritize over their original releases. this will include "enhanced ports" that make changes to graphics/gameplay

suggestions are welcome, but the criteria is going to be very strict

Game & Watch Gallery 4
Game & Watch Gallery 4
you could argue that game & watch games can't be truly replicated without the actual hardware, but this is as close as you're ever gonna get

also just a great way to introduce someone to these games. being able to easily bounce between the modern and classic renditions is a really nice touch


ESP Ra.De. Psi
ESP Ra.De. Psi
catch-all for quite literally every shmup remaster that m2 has done. they're arguably the best in the industry


Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
includes the original game via classic mode and is highly customizable beyond that as well


The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition
introduces the revolutionary feature of not bricking your console

(also an optional dungeon)


Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX
catch-all for atelier dx/plus games besides rorona; they include previously released dlc and optional qol such as battle speedup


Castlevania Advance Collection
Castlevania Advance Collection
applies primarily to circle of the moon for giving the option to see which enemies drop cards

that alone would save most people from dropping it


Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
while there are issues with the - optional - "remastered" visuals/performance, the original experience is only improved by giving the player options to speed up combat and avoid battles

it's worth noting that in chrono cross you do not gain exp for battling. so there's no point in fighting the same enemies in the event that you get lost while backtracking

this isn't gonna matter to everyone, but it'll stop the less patient from dropping a great game


Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
true to the originals - arguably to a fault. the hd assets can also be disabled

gameplay is completely unaltered beyond being built for current hardware


Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
catch-all for dmc enhanced ports. same game, more content


Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
catch-all for disgaea 'complete' editions, besides 1, which changes the art direction


Grim Fandango Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
hd toggle + bonus content. optional point/click controls


Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
applies to halo 1/2 specifically on the pc version. not sure if the xbox collection was fully patched

godsend of a port. hd toggle (keep it off) and online multiplayer are reason enough to never touch the originals again


Hitman World of Assassination
Hitman World of Assassination
applies to hitman 2 and 3. hitman 1's content was trimmed


Kowloon High-School Chronicle
Kowloon High-School Chronicle
you don't really have another way to play this game unless you speak japanese, but thankfully it's just the same thing as the ps2 version except in widescreen


Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2
applies strictly to mm1-6 as well as 9 and 10. those games are presented in unaltered form with optional 'enhancements'. they also include time trials and other challenges

7 and 8 have various removals as well as increased input lag


Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - HD Edition
better framerate/controls; exact same game otherwise

worth noting that mgs2/3's ps2 rereleases add optional content and are the definitive versions of those games. not including them however because this list doesn't account for rereleases on the same console


Sega Ages Phantasy Star
Sega Ages Phantasy Star
applies to pretty much every sega ages version. offers modern qol without forcing it. optional automap and the like


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
applies to desu2 record breaker as well. same game, more content


Sonic the Fighters
Sonic the Fighters
hd version has online support, more playable characters and no input lag


StarCraft: Remastered
StarCraft: Remastered
same game, at a higher resolution with the option to toggle hd assets on and off


Tales of Graces f
Tales of Graces f
lol you probably didn't even know this was released on wii

one really good change to this version is that your console doesn't shut itself off when you begin a second playthrough


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
includes an optional dungeon and realizes the game in color

play the original only if you care about screen warp glitching or whatever


Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
hd toggle


4 months ago

hope you're doing well btw

4 months ago

I have to disagree with CE:A. The artstyle is pretty bad in some levels and the atmosphere is ruined, especially by the lighting.
H2:A on the other hand is indeed amazing

4 months ago

@goznog same to you chief. good to see ya pop up

@albg1 i agree, but in the mcc the hd toggle makes the game look exactly the same as the original (unless i'm mistaken)

i wouldn't include it if that didn't exist, but due to the toggle there's no reason to uh, plug in an old ass xbox unless you want to relive the pain in the ass that is a LAN party

4 months ago

desu overclocked and desu2 record breaker
gameplay tweaks, new arc, changes in the script, voice acting (and even if you dont like it you can just disable it)
all changes that make the original obsolete, absolutely no reason to play it

4 months ago

(i left 3 other comments but i think the page split buried them btw lol)

halo anniversary on 360 has some borked graphics on original mode and MCC port carried over the issues all the way to PC launch, but a while ago they patched it on PC. dunno about xbox.

4 months ago

soul hackers 3DS is not bad at all, speaking of megaten

4 months ago

@goznog what're your takes on overclocked/record breaker? not familiar enough to compare myself

soul hackers seems fine but is it really different at all from the saturn version? besides the simple fact of it being localized i never compared the two myself
I've seen absolutely everyone say overclocked is the definitive version and that there's basically no reason to go back to the original

4 months ago

@nowitsreyntime17 yeah but people are generally extremely stupid and i trust goznog more than them

4 months ago

i havent played overclocked........... or the original yet......... .........

sh3ds has the extra content from psx which includes the new game plus + extra events for that and baked in extra dungeon disc, then adds the compendium and voice acting on top of that. plus it plays wicked fast compared to those, its really funny lol. seems appropriate for the list unless im misreading

4 months ago

you should check out the ys games
10 mainline entries and almost all of em have multiple remakes, some of which are superior and the definitive way to play, and some of which pretty much ruin everything about the game they remake

3 months ago

sonic cd '11 is absolutely worse than '93. in '11 they made the time travel timer about 35% higher completely fucking up the freestyle aspect of maintaining momentum and encouraging fishing for samey guaranteed spots (like two springs next to each other). they also removed a lot of speedrun routes and tech. time attack is already in '93 too, the only thing is being able to switch between soundtracks. look up sonic cd '93 speedrunning and sonic cd restored for more info

3 months ago

@leo0 what the hell - i had no idea the time it took to travel was increased. thanks for the insights. removed! and now i wanna try the original

3 months ago

id vouch for desu1 overclocked, played both and theres no real reason to go back to desu1, basically the same game sans overclocked having the compendium and 8th Day, which is nice

3 months ago

Does Xenoblade Definitive Edition count? I guess it’s up to preference on the art style but most will say the switch version looks much better + old and new soundtrack, being able to toggle your level to prevent overleveling from side quests and being able to track objectives for side quests among some other things.
xenoblade should not count id say as many still prefer the original artstyle, a big one being reyns design which I think was butchered in DE

3 months ago

Hi, cool list. Suggesting Hitman 3 (2021). It literally replaced Hitman 1 and 2 of the same trilogy on digital storefronts, however I'm only saying that it serves as a good replacement of Hitman 2 because a lot of Hitman 1's content was trimmed

3 months ago

DMC4 SE is remaster, not remake. What the fuck are you smoking?

3 months ago


"this list serves a twofold purpose: to assert that remakes are not replacements (by exclusion) and to also draw attention to the few remakes that you may actually want to prioritize over their original releases. this will include 'enhanced ports' that make changes to graphics/gameplay"

3 months ago

It's worth calling attention to just how good odin sphere liefstupidname is in this way. There are tons of options to let you customize what you want to be changed or be like the original, down to stuff like the behavior of the controls and the ASPECT RATIO yayy! Out of curiosity, I set my ps3 to output 480i over RGB to compare directly with the original game and it ended up looking pretty much exactly the same. I'm stunned that a fairly small studio like Vanillaware can both preserve and update their games so well and yet huge companies can't just put like a basic port of the original games in the menu of the remake.

3 months ago

Would Metroid Zero Mission be viable by virtue of including the original game on top of the remake?

3 months ago

@hylianbran damn. i wasn't aware it went THAT far. that's pretty cool

@icopei no. zero mission only includes the original metroid as an unlock

3 months ago

One interesting thing about hd ports on the ps3 (and I assume the 360) is that sometimes they will display in 4:3 if you output 480i or 480p. This isn't always the case (Ico, for example) but a lot of them are like this. Kingdom Hearts (1.5, not 2.5 for some reason), devil may guy, ratchet and crank, etc. Granted, they're still not totally formatted right. The HUD is closer to the edges of the screen for kingdom fart and devilman and your money is obscured in ratchet & blank 2. Still it is neat.

A lot of these rereleases are still really poor though. Seriously, if you've only been playing the HD version of devil may cry, go play the original, you'll be shocked how many effects are messed up in the ports and how much more solid the original feels. Attacks feel static because of the missing motion blur effects, the game is prone to freezing in the menus, the menus aren't properly formatted, the lighting is severely downgraded, ambient sounds are messed up, etc etc. Lots of these kinds of ports are really poor. I can't stand when companies frame emulating roms you download online as evil, not just because those games often aren't rereleased, but when they ARE rereleased they suck and don't preserve the games properly. If they put a good amount of effort into it, they're going to change the game a bunch instead of preserving it. Then when the game gets ported again, it's either another total recreation or a sloppy port of the last port.

Why can't every game company get m2 to port their games?

3 months ago

I'd like to offer Kirby Super Star Ultra to this list. Contains all of the content of the original, makes it run better and offers some harder modes once you beat the game. The one thing I'll give the original is the multiplayer being more accessible nowadays (one SNES/Wii/Wii U/SNES Classic/Switch and two controllers vs 2 DSs and 2 game cards. While Download Play is available, you can only play Spring Breeze with them)

Also if you have the Sega Ages there, I'd like to offer up the 3-D Classics line as well.

3 months ago

Xenoblade DE is an easy one. Simply a superior version of Xenoblade 1 in every way. Some people prefer original faces, but the same logic can be applied to almost every game on this list.
Also NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., again just a way better NieR Replicant.

3 months ago

Another suggestion would be the Infinity Engine games's remasters by Beamdog

3 months ago

@gana interesting. i didn't know hitman 1's content was trimmed. thanks for the heads up!

@mediocrecreampuf too much of a visual and mechanical overhaul. comparison image

@red_by the same logic cannot be applied to anything here. xenoblade de has a completely different aesthetic. replicant ver.1.22 also has a completely different visual style that mimics automata, a new (arguably worse) combat system and rearranged music

neither of these games are replacements for the originals

3 months ago

@rogueliker not familiar enough with those games but i've seen plenty of purists for the originals. "over 400 improvements" on baldurs gate has me very wary and the top review on gog literally says to play the original instead. so that's definitely not a replacement

3 months ago

also correct me if i'm wrong, but i've had a few of the 3-D classics and i recall them just being straight ports

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