people often naively complain about the state of the game industry and how overly saturated it is with generic, cookie-cutter garbage - then in the same breath they'll start panning and ignoring the actual cutting-edge titles that most push the envelope with innovative ideas

enter breakdown - a wildly misunderstood first-person genre mishmash with addicting combat, kickass powers, and a totally off-the-rails storyline. open your mind to its unconventional control schemes and you'll be met with one of the most creative, peculiar, and downright fun games you'll have played in years

the infamous final stretch also isn't that bad. it was doable on hard (albeit with a lot of trial and error) so i can't imagine normal being too tough considering how much softer the enemies hit

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022


2 years ago

Ain't no one panning Breakdown in 2022

Ain't no one playing it either; it's Xbox original exclusive!

2 years ago

it's downloadable on xbox live for ten dollars bro

anyone with an xbox 360 or xbox one is fully capable of playing breakdown. it was even a free download at one point for gold memberships

2 years ago


2 years ago

i didn't realize 2004 counted as the state of the game industry

2 years ago

really though when i saw this review i hoped it was gonna be some random gem from the last 3-4 years until bombad mentioned it being og xbox : (

2 years ago

I'm with Lynx, the OG Xbox was def the last retro home console to me for as subjective as that term is

2 years ago

my point is that the industry is where it is today because of how we've collectively received the games of yesteryear. around this point in time was when some of the most creative and off-the-wall ips were hitting the shelves (from big studios too - this game's by fuckin' namco for instance). the problem's that they also stayed on the shelves. why create a bold and risky product as a developer when you're not gonna make jack shit from it?
bold and risky by itself isn't worth jack shit if the game isn't good

2 years ago

oh for sure, i'd even go so far as to say this particular generation was the big key to how modern gaming has changed and then stagnated. i think the wording of the opening to this review just gave me the wrong idea in my interpretation

2 years ago

you're right compost - i hate silent hill 4 even though it's one of the least conventional games ever, but you should be able to see where i'm coming from especially considering persona 3 is one of your favorite games as well. i know your brain caves in just as much as mine when you read complaints about tactics and the like
i get what you mean, but i have a feeling that there's probably a reason why i have not heard of this game before today

2 years ago

that's because breakdown is an xbox exclusive title that got overshadowed in 2004 by way more accessible games such as halo 2 and half life 2 - and lemme tell you i'd much sooner replay this right now over either of those two

nearly all of the reviews that shit on it are people crying about the controls (which are totally fine as long as you don't mash the triggers like an idiot) or the difficulty (get good)

2 years ago

compost in comments
day ruined
even as an xbox exclusive, i would expect some sort of acknowledgement of it, if it was engaging enough to be well liked. there are games in similar situations to this that have become cult classics, despite age, console exclusivity or jankiness. so i assume there's a reason why this isn't one of them.

2 years ago

honestly you're just talking out of your ass at this point. i'm sure i could list off tons of games you've never heard of that are absolutely worth playing. regardless you can check any review site - here, gamefaqs, metacritic, etc. and see a pretty polarizing-leaning-positive consensus of the game

i'm sure you've never heard of gunvalkyrie either, and despite being a virtually unheard of (maybe even more so than breakdown) xbox exclusive that game is also pretty fucking awesome
compost has a point

inb4 "shut up you like p5 hurr durr"

2 years ago

@compost's dupe lmao wot, i like how you totally ignored chandler's latest post
the game has positive scores overall (71 from critics, 82 from users) and clearly it has some following considering how detailed the Wikipedia page is and the fact enough people cared about it for it to get BC on every Xbox system. And even if compost wasn't 100% wrong in this case, he's still wrong because popularity =/= quality unless you're a mindless consoomer. Plenty of amazing games don't even have wikipedia articles period and artsy games are meant to appeal to a very small set of people.

2 years ago

and another thing is Xbox emulation wasn't really a thing until last year so yeah, no shit it still has a bit to go before obtaining "hidden gem status" from the large subset of people who emulate games
"popularity =/= quality" very true

2 years ago


2 years ago

ultrakill on favs, based

2 years ago

compost has a point - it's just not a very well thought out or substantial one. c_f and FunnyReynName™ have the right idea. popularity isn't tied to quality, and that works on both sides of the fence too

since adhdagenda made it easy for me: persona 5 is one of the most popular jrpgs around nowadays, and despite enjoying it i wouldn't even place p5 in my top 25 for the genre. that being said, final fantasy vii is in my top 10 easily. so i'm certainly not just praising shit for being unpopular and slamming whatever's hot for the sake of contrarianism

regardless, the argument itself is meaningless. anyone who'd claim breakdown is actually poorly designed and annoying to control i'd just call filtered because i didn't have any issues beyond a steep learning curve. but none of y'all played it anyway so there's not really a leg for you to stand on besides vague assumptions

2 years ago

only reason i have yet to play it is cus xemu crashes past its intro and cxbxr doesn't boot it at all

2 years ago

yeah once the cutscenes are fixed it'll prolly run pretty well. xemu's been making rapid progress as of late. i'm excited to be able to run gunvalkyrie and mechassault in the near future since they're both unplayable on 360

2 years ago

yeah i'm glad i finally got to experience ninja gaiden black and dead or alive 3 on pc since they're childhood favs of mine. only in the past few years did i get to play the sega legacy (jet set radio future, panzer dragoon orta, the best version of panzer dragoon 1 and even virtua cop 3 which never had a home console port and only ran on an xbox-based arcade machine) as well. even gems like metal wolf chaos i can play on pc now. i even prefer it for some multiplats like marvel games (spider-man 2 and x-men legends work better on it than pcsx2 and dolphin from my experience) and soon games with online thanks to insignia
all xemu needs now is better optimization outside of linux and compatibility for otogi 1-2 + breakdown then it will be a goated emulator

2 years ago

another game to keep a lookout for is thousand land. old fromsoft title that inexplicably has an english translation. still doesn't work right but i'll be damned if i'm not keeping tabs on it constantly

2 years ago

ye i've played most of the old school From games at this point so that was on my radar

1 year ago

good review, breakdown is awesome

7 months ago

hi chandler

7 months ago

@garv hey man which air_combat.bin file is your favorite