This is a ton of fun but it's not as well designed as Octo Expansion and it moreso feels like a cool extra mode with some light story in it then like a well developed campaign in the same way Octo was. I'll admit, as happy as I am to have this I think expectations set by Octo and the lacking multiplayer updates made the relative low scope a little dissapointing. I really don't understand why this took so long to release especially with how lacking content releases have been since launch. That being said, once I knew what I was working with, I was able to have a really good few hours on my first complete run. The roguelike elements are relatively basic but they mesh really well with splat's gameplay. Ik I'm gonna be sinking ungodly hours into replaying this. I would really like it if this style of gameplay could be worked into becoming a side mode for the base game of Splat 4 that would receive semi frequent updates throughout the games lifespan. Sort of like the single player equivalent of Salmon Run. I think the gameplay presented here is a really great addition to the splatoon series and I hope it becomes standard for future releases. Long term single player content in this form is a great way to round out the splatoon experience. Also I love Pearl and Marina so much they're easily the best characters in the franchise please make all future campaigns about them.

Fun twist on the RE formula. I think the more traditional horror approach works for this game although it isn't without it's sacrifices. I imagine this game holds up less on a replay, something you can't say for most great RE games, with it's blank slate protagonist and it's long unskippable opening as some examples. For a first time playthrough, however, it was really enjoyable and stuff like the long opening was great for establishing what made 7 unique for the series. The game did lose it's steam a bit towards the end tho with a pretty lackluster final encounter and a general slight dip in quality compared to the first few hours in the main house which was when the game was at it's most enjoyable for me. Also one thing that really annoyed me was the blood splatter affect thats on the screen for nearly all of the game. It looked really cheap to me and took a lot away from the games' otherwise really solid visual aesthetics. A minor problem sure but an everpresent one. Happy to have played this overall tho and when it was at it's best it was a lot of fun. Will be starting up Village very soon and I'm curious to see how this flavour of RE evolves since to me it seems like a formula prime for a one and done experience and one less so suited to be the template for the future of the series.

Like going to an art gallery in hell and also Thom Yorke is there

Galaxy 2 was made to be a more linear game than it's predeccesor basically revolving around the philosophy of throwing great ideas and level designs at the player at a breakneck pace and moving onto the next thing asap to keep the game fresh. fun and everdevoloping. The problem that I found with the game, however, was that it was constrained in it's delivery of this philosophy due to it existing as a sequel to Galaxy and not as it's own original entry built from the ground up to facilitate these concepts. 3D World to me is the game Galaxy 2 set out to be. And this comparison isn't made just to shit on Galaxy 2 they're both great games (and I probably even prefer Galaxy 2 just for how good some of it's level design is) but the difference highlights how well 3D World exceeds in being the type of game it wants to be.

This game has some of the best pacing of any platformer I've played. Levels have enough depth between collecting stars and engaging with unique mechanics to be thoroughly enjoyable yet only take up a couple minutes at a time. And with the switch port especially, jumping into the next levels takes only a second. Hours will fly by playing this before you even realise you've played most of the game in one sitting. The only thing really holding this game back for me is that no matter how well designed a game like this is I'm always going to prefer the more adventurous tone of games like Galaxy 1 or the sandbox style of games like Odyssey. And also, more obviously could've been done to differentiate aesthetically from typical Mario conventions but the approach makes sense within the context of this game. As is, 3D World exceeds in being a purely linear 3D Mario more effectively than any other in the series and that's worth praising.

Basically a little snippet of what a 3d mario in this style could look like but can't fully commit to delivering on it's ideas due to existing essentially as an add on or at least not it's own game designed from the ground up to accomodate it's ideas. A lot of fun tho for what it is and makes for a nice n quick 100% you can do in a couple hours.

Some of the best levels in any 3D platformer I've played and an absolute joy to 100%.

(Claire 2nd run)

Pretty fun not that different from Leon's campaign tho I'd say I prefer that. Mr X appearing much earlier for the 2nd run was neat but it's a shame he dissapears from Claire's story pretty quickly. Not changed my opinion much of the game overall but was worth going through at least once. If I do replay in the future it'll probably be on Leon's campaign.

Ok so I ended up playing Village all in one go (which kept me up until like 9am) and I think it's an improvement on 7 in just about everyway and has been one of the most consistently solid RE games I've played so far. As a sequel to 7 it builds on what was good about the game yet is able to form it's own identity and acts almost as a blend of each major RE style up until this point while still feeling unique. The 4 influence especially was definitely to my taste. The story is a little rough around the edges by the end but that's not a deal breaker for me especially since it's mostly an enjoyable continuation of 7's plot with Ethan being much more likeable and well defined as a protagonist. Loved how the game was structured. Felt true to RE's metroidvania esque approach while still offering something new to the series. All around really solid time and definitely on the upper end of RE games I've played so far.

None of the campaigns individually are amazing but as a complete package SSU is pretty bonkers

Great lil game with really satisfying platforming and great level design. Awesome aesthetics and cool music being the cherry on top. Insane value for £6 like even double that would be a great deal. Would love to see something a little bigger from this team in the future since there's a huge amount of potential to build upon.

Expands DL2 into a more consistently fun and better paced game. Outside of the awesome art style and the animal friends it's just kind of a base line good kirby game. All around solid and always fun but not much special in the context of the whole series. Absolutely hate that the animal friends are sad if you don't pick them tho. If they're really considering doing more 2d kirby along side the new 3d ones I think a dreamland 4 or something to that effect would be a great way to make a new game that feels distinct from the run of modern 2d kirby beginning from return to dreamland whilst justifying it's place alongside 3d kirby by offering something a little different.

Refines the best aspects of the series up until that point to create of the most quality kirby games ever. Grew up with this one and for 10+ years it was the only Kirby game I'd ever properly played so it's gonna take a lot for anything to dethrone it as my favourite 2d entry (Planet Robobot has a good shot tho). The additions made to this port are excellent too and help to round out what was already a great game into a fantastic package.

Decided I'm probably going for the platinum so that means a lot of replays (at least 6 I'm pretty sure). First one is a Professional S run on NG+ which has been fun. It's insane how much of this game you can bypass if you know what you're doing. Also Mercenaries is very fun and playing as krauser is NUTS.

Professional S+ run

I listened to Jennette McCurdy's audio book during this one would recommend

Residnetevil 4