Dropped about 15 hours in

I'm probably gonna give this more of a shot another time

Mostly ok. Story stuff was pretty dumb. That one mannequin bit was really cool. Farely decent expansion but compared to all the stuff 7 got it's a shame they didn't do more dlc. Would've been awesome to see more of the lords in just about any form. If the next game has Rose as the protag we're gonna be in for some wild shit.

would be cooler if it didnt have those flying things that kill your animal friends

I have a lot of mixed feelings about Unleashed so I'm gonna list some pros and cons. This is really just a messy list of my thoughts cos no one I know cares about Sonic to the extent I do (I envy them greatly).

- Sonic's core gameplay is a lot of fun. A lot of fans nowadays raise complaints with the boost gameplay formula but overall while it's not my ideal option for how Sonic should control, the boost gameplay did a lot to set Sonic apart from any other 3d platformer, which was especially important at the time of this game's release given the reception of Sonic 06. And while it is different to what came before it, the boost games still adhear to Yuji Naka's original vision for Sonic with speed being a reward for players as they progressively get better at the game and familiarise themselves with the level.
- To this day it's probably still the best looking Sonic game graphically.
- The story is solid. Follows some similar tropes from the Adventure games but is comparitively a lot more simple and less of a focus which I think works well enough for this game.
- The levels are all really well designed, with the sun and moon medals helping to keep them from being entirely linear unlike some future games such as Sonic Forces.
- Imo Jason Griffith can be a lot of fun as Sonic and this game is definetly his best. The classic "Feeling good!" and other voice clips really make the levels much more fun for me. Mike Pollock is fun too.
-Even for Sonic standards, this soundtrack is really good. Not a series best but the orchestral sound really fits for the 'World Adventure' motif.

- The biggest issue in this game is easily the way in which collecting sun and moon medals is forced upon the player. I don't mind this in concept but the amount required to progress is ridiculous. I collected just about every medal I could during initial playthroughs of levels and even so come the time of the penultimate level the game required another 32 Sun medals in order to progress. Not only did this absolutely kill the pacing (which was already iffy becaus of the time difference between sonic levels and werehog levels) but given that I needed sun medals I was forced into replaying werehog levels as they feature more prominantly in those levels than Sonic's levels. I actually quite like the werehog, or rather I didn't hate him as much as most people did back in 2008. The design is weird and all but as long as you know what you're getting yourselves into the levels are fine. However, replaying these levels was something I had no interest in at all so forcing me back into the levels for an extra hour or two really was not a lot of fun. 120/200 sun medals may not sound like a lot but trust me it is way too much to ask for basic completion. 100 would've been much more fair. I wrote a lot for this but this moment really took Unleashed down quite a bit in my opinion.
-Frame rate drops are a real problem at times. I understand this game was pushing the hardware but at times it is way too rough to be of an acceptable standard. Jungle Joyride, which otherwise is one of the best levels, really struggles to keep things steady and weirdly it's prevelant in a lot of the hubworlds despite the fact not a lot is going on in those areas.
-Quick time events are ass. They really date this game and making them necessity at certain points is really dumb.
-The hub worlds fit well with the travelling the world concept and I do appreciate that but honestly I could do without them. At least in SA1 the hub world were fun to traverse.

At the best of times this game is great and it could've been my favourite boost game but there's just too much holding it back. Still appreciate this game's intentions especially when compared to some of the lows of the 2010s.

My only beef this game is the weird microtransactions Capcom plopped on top of this and the fact the PS4 version is a lil shitty (although I don't blame them for focusing on next gen really I'm just glad it's playable on PS4 and in a stable form). Otherwise, from front to back, this was one of the best games I've ever played and as a remake to the original holy shit is it brilliant. It's insane how it can go and do something different from the original and you go "wow thats such a great change" but it doesn't at all invalidate what came before it if anything it made me love the original more through the contrast. Both RE4s as a duo are like the raddest games ever. They compliment eachother so well. I cant wait to replay this and do Seperate Ways and check out mercenaries and tell as many people as possible that Leon Kennedy is the most baddass character in fiction.

Psychonauts 2 is a dream sequel. Almost everything special about the first game is expanded on. The levels are way more consistently great. The first had more of a responsibility of laying a foundation for the series before it could really get to show off it's genius with it's best and most memorable levels like The Milkman Conspiracy, Black Velvetopia and Waterloo World. Now with the second game having a grander scope, the benefits of modern technology and over 15 years to brew up new ideas just about every level feels as though they meet this standard. Nothing in this game is even close to as dull as say Lungfishopolis. Everything feels refined down to the themeing, visual aesthetics, and even stuff like the combat which is actually like notably fun now. I have a few gripes but I don't really wanna bother talking about them I'm just glad this game fulfilled pretty much everything I wanted from a sequel to the original and managed to properly capitalise on the potential the series had.

Just like everyone says movement and set pieces are top notch and about as good as the traditional fps format can allow for. Mechs are awesome ofc. The plot was straightforward, predictable and even a little dull at points but managed to be suprisingly effective in the end for what it was up until that point. Had a lot of fun with it even if it felt a bit mindless at points. Excited to try out the multiplayer at some point.

Assissted NG+ run for picking up miscellanious trophies and getting moolah

On the verge of being a truly fantastic modern 3d platformer but held back by some minor issues. Firslty, I'll say the art direction, level design and music are all top notch and some of the best I've seen from the genre. As for the movement, it took a while to click together due to a few odd control choices that prevent it from being as smooth as it could be. As well it's held back by the somewhat unpolished state the game released in. The air dash, which when functional is very satisfying, doesn't always register which can be really frustrating when the entire game revolves around it's movement system. With that said, the movement, at its best, is still a blast once you adjust to it's excentricities and I'd argue some of the best in the genre in recent years. It is a shame that the game released early as I think even those 4 short months could've gone a long way in buffing out the games' rough edges. The foundation here is something I can really get behind, especially as a massive fan of 3d Sonic, and as the game is it's still a really enjoyable 3d platformer that I'd recommend to fans of the genre (although I would probably advise waiting for a patch). I'm really excited to see where Evening Star go from here I think they've proven well enough that they're capable of great things and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can build from this game into whatever they work on next.

Game has some rough edges (mainly in the combat) but that story is damn near immaculate

Really great game up until you leave the RPD. After that it's just okay. If this was mostly contained to the RPD and expanded on certain parts of that like the safety deposit room and especially on Mr. X I could've really loved this. As is it was a nice taste of a more traditional RE game having had just got into this series with RE4. For the most part I vastly preferred 4 but 2r has it beat in places with stuff like the puzzles and the atmosphere. It's not really sold me on going back to RE1 but I'm down to see if the second run interests me and then I'll probably check out RE3 remake.


Pleasant enough way to kill an hour. Rating feels harsh but I'm really not into the whole minimalist thing games like this go for though I can respect it. I at least appreciate how brief and straightforward of an experience it was and I got to see some cool fish.

None of the campaigns individually are amazing but as a complete package SSU is pretty bonkers

Great lil game with really satisfying platforming and great level design. Awesome aesthetics and cool music being the cherry on top. Insane value for £6 like even double that would be a great deal. Would love to see something a little bigger from this team in the future since there's a huge amount of potential to build upon.

Expands DL2 into a more consistently fun and better paced game. Outside of the awesome art style and the animal friends it's just kind of a base line good kirby game. All around solid and always fun but not much special in the context of the whole series. Absolutely hate that the animal friends are sad if you don't pick them tho. If they're really considering doing more 2d kirby along side the new 3d ones I think a dreamland 4 or something to that effect would be a great way to make a new game that feels distinct from the run of modern 2d kirby beginning from return to dreamland whilst justifying it's place alongside 3d kirby by offering something a little different.