i already spent 40€ on this chungus ass game so i really hope they make it worth the money in the future but its still a pretty good FPS especially since its free

a really cool (and difficult) journey through cybernetic hackspace, lots of platforming, some logic puzzles and finally LOTS of slashing the fuck out of dudes with your katana. i think the game could have been structured in a way where it got less stale towards the end but as it is, its still a great experience, reminds me of like a Shadow Warrior + Mirror's Edge + Titanfall 2 + The Matrix combo.

definitely the best fighting game i've played recently, and maybe ever. i've always been a huge fan of this franchise, it's so badass and it feels awesome to hit a devastating combo. the skill ceiling is SO HIGH and i admittedly suck at the game but it's some of the most fun i've had in recent memory.

it's hard to describe how i feel about From Software games.
i'm not really into the Souls franchise, it feels too slow and clunky for me, though i still find the games fascinating. even playing Blooborne was an arduous task for me since it didn't feel responsive enough to my playstyle. yes, i know, skill issue. SEKIRO however doesn't get any of those complaints from me. it's fast, it's fluid, the moveset and skillset are more comfortable to play with. the enemies are smart and tough, they WILL kick your ass and it WILL feel unfair at points.
but once you clear an area or a boss fight? damn, is it fucking satisfying. the game is also beautiful and the story is very nice as well. highly recommended if you enjoy a good challenge and a satisfying game to play and eventually master.

the writing in this game feels less like writing and more like looking at a piece of paper and deciding to shove the pencil in your ear, killing you instantly.

don't bother with this one unless you're a hardcore MK fan.

this game is changing mmy brain chemistry

i think this game shaped at least 20% of my personality

cute game with some decent potential, enjoyable but still one of the more middling roguelites ive played

this bitch really think she kim kardashian

was cool at first but man... i hope it gets some good updates

really fun to just ride around, good driving mechanics. a bit lacking in content but its just a fun game overall

people with no taste will tell you this is bad