Jackie baby yes keep putting me second.

I think Estelle might be my favorite video game heroine of all time. Wish that the Trails series treated the rest of their female characters in later games with as much care and nuance!!

The plot was a little incomprehensible to me (wish there were captions), but loved the vibes, art, music. Excited to continue with SuperGiant's backlist!

Animal Crossing but with ghost bears. Exactly my vibe. The glitches could get annoying, as could the wait times in between the bears' quests.

I spent 110 hours prepping for a final battle that lasted 3 minutes lol.

Would die for Urbosa.

The plot is BANANAS but the worlds and combat were so fun. Obsessed with the Toon Town world!! BUT I reached right before the final boss and tried to do all the extra content and simply could not get to Sephiroth or beat like any of the Organization!!! Too hard for me!!!

Took a 4-month break out of frustration lmao and then finally went back and beat Xemnas. Cried a lil at the end!

This will forever be marked as "Playing" - love to check in with my island at least once a month despite the animals giving me attitude about it. Just so soothing to redecorate and fish for a little bit.

Nothing better than smoking a joint and walking around the museum.

Will play this to the end of time!! Penny is best girl.

LOVED the Henry Selick style art, and the fairytale story here was creepy and fun.

Just wish the controls and combat were less janky! Would love to play from this studio again when they have more money and polish. But worth the $4 I spent lol

Finally played all three games!! Every case got sillier and sillier but I love this stupid cast of characters. Yay defense attornies!!

I'm absolutely a WrightWorth shipper. Kiss already, you two!!

Least favorite character is definitely Franziska von Karma...if I have to hear this bitch whip the judge one more time...

I do stan Dahlia Hawthorne though...love me a gorgeous sociopath.

Truly one of the most fucked-up games I've ever played! The early murders made me sick to my stomach despite the playful Persona 4 art style. But then I had to see the mystery through to the end - the story and twists kept me going. Ending was both extremely cheesy and extremely dark. Don't think I'll continue the series but glad I finished this one.

Fun! Controls a little janky on PS4 but I enjoyed seeing the story through the three characters' POVs. Plot a little nonsensical, in typical KH fashion. I'll confess I couldn't beat the final episode boss...more that I just got tired of trying ahaha.

Will be content to never visit this version of Disney Town or hear its goddamn score ever again.

Lovely. Wish it was slightly longer.

First game I ever completed! Began my love for RPGs.

Stunning gothic dreamscape. Best book about the horrors of capitalism in Americana I've read in a while.

Did I understand half of what was happening? Not at all.