idk if it's just not a game for me or what but i just found this really, really dull. cute pixel art but i reached a point where i just had no desire to keep playing

i absolutely adore this game. every moment of the gameplay was horrid and hilarious in equal measures. my favourite game that i'd never recommend to anybody

i... i really get what the devs were going for but. the attempts to be deep are overdramatic to a point of being laughable.

like you have to wash a sheet using Guilt brand bleach with Vulnerability detergent. you then select how masculine or feminine the sheet is, and how rebellious it is to authority.

i'm sorry, i just. how am i meant to take that seriously...?

( outside of this point, i found the controller support janky, the exploration unrewarding, and the forced motion blur sickening. the environments were cool though ! )

a super cute little game for it's short run time. nothing life-changing to play, but a fun way to kill a short period of time.

better than splatoon 2 in almost every way, but still inferior due to the lack of salmon run

this aesthetic fucking slaps

contrary to what everyone told me i would think, i actually really liked the realm reborn content

i don't know how they agreed on the idea of tetris but with the aesthetic of a new age hippie, but i'm so fucking glad they did

a fun game, but one that does not really hold up as well playing as an adult.

as a kid, i thought the best thing i could do in it was make sparklehorses in it. as an adult, i also think the ability to make sparklehorses is it's best feature- the customisation in the game is very fun, very wacky, can create some beautiful eyesores.

the rest of the gameplay is not nearly as exciting. it's fun for an hour or two for nostalgia's sake, but... there's only so much fun tossing a ball at a technicolour cat can provide a jaded 20 year old.

i can't truly hold that against it since i'm far from the target demographic, and it's a pretty good kids game compared to many things i played in my childhood. still... i don't think it's one i'd go back to in a hurry.

decided i would revisit this, seeing as it was a game fondly remembered from childhood.

i can firmly say it was undeserving- not only does it have abysmally janky controls, it's just straight up not fun either.

you pick up squirrel, put it on a plant. then put it on a plant. then put it on another plant. now he'll let you pet him! one pet later, he trusts you and have moved in. then you feed him to a weasel, and watch as the game plays a sad little jingle for the animal you just sent to slaughter. rinse and repeat.

this game made me feel like an asshole, bored me, made my wrist hurt from having to shake the wii remote so much. at least the animals were cute?

my favourite game as a kid, i spent hours of my life farming lives, redoing levels, leaving my poor fucking mega drive on for like a week at a time since there is no way to save...

.....i still always died before i could get to the circus master

you can tell this was made in 2013

to say that the gameplay felt akin to continually slamming my head against a piece of wood, i enjoyed it more than i expected. i can't tell if it's due to rpg maker disease, the allure of a fluffy boy or if i'm just a degenerate, though.

a pleasant 5 minutes, this is more of an experience than a game. it has a comfortable feeling, to say it's about a fly confronting their own futility. i mostly just ranked it lower because it's 5 minutes long and the only gameplay is moving.