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Aveilein finished JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
I do not understand the point of this game.

The gameplay is repetitive beyond believe, it's a 3D beat 'em where you only have the same combo from beginning to end, even if the combo name is different or you control different character.
The Hamon system is pretty interesting, where you have to attack Vampire enemies with Hamon first before you can actually kill them. Though for some reason Speedwagon can do it too in one of the chapter.

There are 2 hardest enemy in this game, the camera and the lack of lock on. I did get used to the jank at some point, but damn it is unpleasant. Especially in the stupid water level, whoever have that fight idea is a sadist.

Now the thing I don't understand.
This game is probably aimed mostly at Jojo fans, which means you already know the story. And if you already know the story, what's the point watching it in a downgraded version when you can just read the manga or watch the anime.

And if a non-Jojo fans play this? They'll probably run away from the franchise after playing this game.

38 mins ago

14 hrs ago

Aveilein is now playing Wuthering Waves

22 hrs ago

Aveilein finished Indika

1 day ago

Aveilein earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

Aveilein reviewed Threads of Fate
Fun game that kinda overstays its welcome.

I feel like your opinion of this game can depend on whose scenario you pick first. This game has 2 main characters, Mint and Rue. They both have different gameplay, different tone in the story, but largely the same core story.

Mint can use magic but has a pretty weak physical attack. Her story is fun, comedic, and mostly carefree. While Rue can transform into different monsters and has a strong physical attack. His story is more serious and sad.

I started as Mint so my impression of this game is more of a fun adventure, while I imagine if you start with Rue it will be the complete opposite. Though the problem with Mint story is that it doesn’t reveal a lot of the backstory of the core lore, while Rue’s story does.
But, Mint’s story has the better character development, Mint starts from an insufferable brat into a somewhat caring big sister (still insufferable at times). While Rue doesn’t really have that much development, he stays the same for most of the story.

Then there’s the gameplay. Mint's magic is simple to use, you just pick which element to use and which type of magic to shoot (straight, 3 spread, homing, etc). Getting magic is also pretty straightforward, they’re either gotten from the story or a treasure chest. Mint’s magic not only can be used in combat, it’s also used to solve puzzles. Like dowsing fire with water magic, blowing fan, lighting up torch, etc.

Rue’s gameplay is a little bit more complicated, Rue can defeat monsters to get their token, if you have a monster token you can transform into that monster. Rue can hold 4 or 5 tokens (I forgot), and if you get a new token when you have max, the oldest token is thrown. This, in concept, is fun. But in reality, most of the monster abilities are useless in combat. Just like Mint, Rue’s ability is used to solve puzzles, dowsing fire with water monsters, jumping high with monkey monsters, but most of the “puzzle” in Rue’s story is just getting a certain monster and then standing in a specific place.

If it’s not obvious yet, I enjoyed Mint’s story and gameplay more. But maybe that’s because I started as her first? I really don’t know.

Oh also, beating the game with both characters will give you an extended cutscene in the ending. Which kinda hints at a sequel but obviously it never materializes.

13 days ago

14 days ago

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