7 reviews liked by clarbris_otake

I'm disgustingly obsessed with Roland so every time he goes "yes, ma'am" or say "Angela" I have the uncontrollable need to choke him out. I don't care for the rest of it. Maybe this opinion will change the more I play it. I don't know I just kind of picked this game up because I thought Roland was hot

It's not as good as its predecessor but it's the only game that has Kuruto Ryuki so I consider this a fair tradeoff



This is the average bisexual experience

Great game for people who want to feel smart but don't want to read books.

Follows in the footsteps of DONTNOD's other work. Being embarrassingly written with pretty terrible voice acting, and a bland tone.

I really wish this team had competent storytellers behind it, because between this and the Life Is Strange games, they're one of the very few studios that prominently include minorities that aren't often represented in video games. Sometimes not very well, but attempts have been made, which is more than you can say for the many game studios that pretend these people do not exist. 'Tell Me Why' is the first game EVER to have a trans man as a lead (as far as i know) which is super fucking cool! It's just such a shame that this first trans lead is in game that is so fucking boring and unremarkable that i would rather be doing literally anything else.

Is this better than Life Is Strange? To be perfectly honest i don't think so. While extremely bad, I at least felt something when playing LiS (albeit mostly annoyance.) But here I was just so bored. I'd rather play a game that makes me frustrated than one that makes me feel literally nothing.