i like to think that my yagami didn't date the two 19 year olds and cheat on that one traumatized lady. your guys' probably did though

not a review, PSA for AC2AA: buy whatever expensive stuff u got your eyes on before transferring your save because my $$$ dropped from like 2.5 mil to 300k

star rating aside this game is funny as hell

i don't know if this is a hot take but i think this is the only cave game with a decent boss theme

how i love to hunt the creatures of final fantasy with a rifle

much of its evil and tedium has been reduced thanks to QoL systems and internet guides but the 60 -> 65 level cap quest still has hands. that shit put me on the floor enough times that I took multiple nights just to complete it. at least the rest of the questline isn't as bad, it's mostly handing over easily farmed items to a moogle and playing rock paper scissors with it

you'll never catch me playing horizon though because this truly is one of the most evil games ever made

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a beautiful anti-war theme is played by the captain of an aircraft carrier on Your Side as you destroy boats worth seemingly hundreds of people on Their Side in one of the most tonally confusing experiences i've had playing a video game

skipped to endgame raiding with these new jumpstart servers. game's presumably dying hard, so they're giving new/returning players stuff valued somewhere around $30-50 (having quickly glanced at its ingame store). there's some rly neat raid design here, unfortunately stuck in a game structured to make you not only hate playing it but ur fellow man.. you at least can ignore that (sort of) if you can get some friends together for this one occasion

it's fun to see amazon repeatedly acknowledge how bad the situation is. i feel for them a bit -- fixing it would require reengineering almost the entire game, which is not at all in their control. all they can do is reapply the same few mitigation tactics they have, which are increasingly becoming desperate

>looking for a new arcade racer
>ask if it's swaggy or for dads
>they don't understand |pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is swaggy and what is for dads
>they laugh and say "it's a good game sir"
>download the game
>its for dads

psa: g-darius hd as part of "cozmic revelation" includes the ver. 2 update, making it the definitive edition of the game

however, if you don't have a ps4 or switch, what people seem to forget is that the ps1 port is also the 2nd version, and i would recommend it over the ps2 port (included in taito legends) for this reason despite most people saying otherwise, provided you're ok with slowdown

edit: nvm let's go https://store.steampowered.com/app/1640160/GDarius_HD/

blows my mind that (v loose) trinity type combat at its most basic form, in an mmo that looks and plays like one from 20 years ago, is lighting up my brain in ways that most today can't even begin to. a deeply unserious game totally unconcerned with balance, retention schemes, railroading, etc. instead fully focused on discovery and getting you to engage with its absurd systems. every corner turned an opportunity to poke and prod at what the game is putting in front of you

(almost) every interaction tied to a skill for the folks who need to see numbers go up, and because it's extremely funny to see yourself wander into a place you shouldn't and gain cartography xp the same moment you level up in dying. impossible to give a decent slice of what's represented as there's so many skills to toy with, a few being: cheesemaking, art history, surveying, compassion, golf?? a favorite example is when I learned the basics of the myconic language after a mushroom began talking to me while harvesting it, an event that led to me discovering a mushroom themed dungeon pointed out by other mushrooms. some are entirely pointless, but some are incredibly, quite literally, transformative: perhaps you've been unwillingly changed into a cow, giving you the Cow skill, that has actual abilities tied to it, which might even be beneficial or complementary to what you're already using. maybe, you think, being a cow isn't so bad! maybe it's even part of the meta!!

game's comprised of fetch quests in the form of favors for NPCs whose relationships with you can be leveled for perks. 90% of these are rote get me y of x thing without much in the way of writing, but they tend towards pointing out landmarks, getting you to use specific skills, or hinting at sides of the game you might not be aware of. there is a narrative with a clear questline to follow but for the majority of the time you'll find yourself doing the former

like eq in that there are no instances whatsoever, so you'll find yourself in dungeons or fields rubbing shoulders with other folks that you'll figure you should just party up with, who you'll go on to see in town or even around other areas and continue to interact with. game's built to support at most like 500 people, so it's inevitable that, if you play long enough, you'll end up recognizing most of the names you come across. the devs even regularly host events which bring the community out, such as poetry jams(?) every saturday, as well as entire questlines for holidays

etc etc etc. not going to give this rambling much structure as I'm tired and just want to see something on this page

just uh, heads up: you can really tell at times that the game was written by nerds in their 40s/50s. not grating enough to be overtly offensive but it can certainly be eye-rolling


me when ur ad_crucial, ad_necrokeep, ad_swampy, ad_tfuma, ad_sepulcher, or ad_grendel: 😋

probably the most cynical and radical game miyazaki will ever direct? insane stuff man I wish more people could play this. btw check out jp old king singing thinker

shockingly well realized yojimbo simulator/cyoa despite its busted script and combat. v funny that the game drops you straight into a standard samurai fantasy scenario but your initial unfamiliarity with its systems and desire to be Honorable will likely mean you'll have your ass handed to you and then tied to a railway track