Carl Brutananadilewski jumpscare

Without Canada, we wouldn't have Nirvanna the Band the Show, Nathan Fielder, and Wolf Parade, so I'll let this one dud slide.

bitcrushed, low fidelity voice "michael!"

This is like an evil version of Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

Ninja Gaiden 1
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 3


Hi, I'm Xalavier Nelson. Welcome to my Xalavier Nelson video game, developed by Xalavier Nelson Entertainment and published by Xalavier Nelson HQ. You may know me from other awesome projects such as "Xalavier Nelson's Insanely Zany Capers."

It's New Super Mario Bros but with interesting aesthetics, level design and furry fuel.

My command prompt won't stop opening up and immediately closing now.

I'm never taking suggestions from /v/ again.

All the other GAY LUIGI with the pumped up SPAGHETTI
You better run, better run outrun my DINNER

Starts off as a pretty solid psychological horror but leans too hard towards the absurd later on, akin to watching a lackluster version of Courage the Cowardly Dog. The transparent metaphors didn't help alleviate it either.

Nevertheless, it's a pretty simple story of a man learning to deal with his guilt, and for a crudely animated janky ass point-and-click game, it did manage to evoke some genuine emotional moments.

I just wish good things happened to video game characters named Max.

Sholmes : "Jack the Ripper was not a person but a concept. You see, when Britain industrialised, so did the human psyche. People who used to live an open lifestyle with free access to nature became subjugated to factory living arrangements. These people's psyches couldn't cope. They became what has often been called 'The Rippers'. The Ripper case is not the action of one man, but the actions of human beings who have become lost to the world they are born into."

Ryunosuke : "Mr. Sholmes, your work is truly impressive; however, there appears to be a slight discrepancy in your deduction."