I usually love platformer games about breaking combos but, MAN, this felt so weirdly dull and lacking of energy to me to the point of freaking me out.

where's the dank, Moe, the dank!?

I'm a Buddy girl in a Buddy world
Brad is joyful, It's painful
You can slice my eye, Give me joy anywhere
Mutation, Brad is an abomination

Come on, Buddy, let's get +JOYED
Ah, ah, ah, yeah
Come on, Buddy, let's get +JOYED
Ooh woah, ooh woah
Come on, Buddy, let's get +JOYED
Ah, ah, ah, yeah
Come on, Buddy, let's get +JOYED
Ooh woah, ooh woah


It's a stupid decision to make one of the kickstarter goals for your STORY based game be "we're gonna make the game longer."
Did the underwater level have to be that long just for me to learn that Omori is afraid of water?

"oh but the dreamworld sections are long because Sunny is afraid to encounter his real world problems and wants to indulge in his escapist fantasy forever"

My estimation of THQ as a video game publisher just fucking plummeted.

this game fucking sucks and i hate it but a video essayist said its good so i like it now

That's it? That's the definitive edition?


Sunny would not make it in the hood.

Replaying this game as an adult made the jankiness become center of my attention sometimes (Poor facial animations, Constantly recycled animations, Odd camera placements) but it doesn't necessarily diminish the game's value. 11 years later, I still think it's an emotionally potent narrative and engaging story, and it's worth it even if some of the technical aspects are lacking in execution.
Telltale will probably never be looked up to as a serious game company due to their formulaic approach to decision-based games, and their reliance on superficial choices that ultimately don't have any impact on the story. And, Yeah. The reason for their notoriety started here but I think decisions don't necessarily need to have a massive impact that majorly alters the narrative in order to be considered meaningful. Sometimes the subtler choices that impact the narrative in a more nuanced way can be just as significant and meaningful.(Ex: Kenny giving you shit whenever you're not dickriding him for every choice in-game).
It's all downhill from here though, The "Illusion of choice" notion became rapidly more prevalent in their later games as the choices became more hollow and we all know how that turned out in the end.
Should've just stuck to making Sam and Max games.

I think Nintendo secretly despised some of the kongs that Rareware designed in the 90s that they executed them in the back of an alleyway.
But at least Dixxie, Diddy, Funky and Cranky made it through.

Came in expecting a Wizard version of Bully but got a Ubisoft version of Bully instead

Vampire Survivors-likes are to indie games what Ubisoft is to AAA games