A weapon to surpass Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue.

Tinykin mashes several gaming styles together (Pikmin, Paper Mario, Chibi Robo, the aforementioned Toy Story Game) and translates them into a great little horde platformer.

The level design is open-ended but easy to understand, without babying you after its essentially unnecessary tutorial. I think they totally nailed the level/objective aspect, and the Tinykin themselves become a wonderful traversal/puzzle-solving tool.

The whole game is also generally aesthetically pleasing, purple-haired CalArts Millenial™ protag aside. I do love a ‘little guy in a big house’ game. It’s a tad glitchy at times (I’m looking at you, yellow ramp Tinykin), the obligatory “emotional” ending is completely unearned, the 2D nature of the player character doesn’t help platforming (maybe they could have given him a back), and there are a few other quirks, but overall Tinykin is a good game and I’m looking forward to a sequel or more games by the developers. Try it.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2022


1 year ago

Did you find the two bugs who have a crisis about not being able to see their backs, realizing that they're 2D?

But yeah the ending was weird and felt disconnected from the whole game. Hope a sequel has a larger scale and better story!

1 year ago

Yes I did, it was funny. I still kinda wish they did have backs a la Super Paper Mario. But overall this game was a pleasant surprise!