Whatever you do, please don’t tell the people on the backloggd discord server I gave this a half-star.

Uninteresting, unfinished, ugly. Not in a good way; only almost atmospheric. Feels like a game that my little cousins would play on their phones at some sort of event, like a graduation or a wedding. The game amounts to a tiny series of fetch quests in a liminal kindergarten and one minor inconvenience of an ‘encounter’, and none of it works or congeals into anything resembling a compelling gameplay experience or even a lucid statement to the contrary.

Appreciated that it was free, but I suppose they robbed me of precious time, which is all we really have at the end of the day. You couldn’t even ride down the slide.

Reviewed on May 26, 2023


1 year ago

Devastating: Game That Local Gamer Goes To Bat For Is, In Fact, .5 Stars

1 year ago

Sorry who went to bat for Banban