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Main story is mostly fantastic with some exciting and fun set pieces and boss fights. However, while improved vastly, the MJ stealth sections still feel like filler apart from the final one in the symbiote nest. Side content, aside from the Howard mission and the flame stuff feels pretty shallow and generally uninteresting. Main story is also FAR too short. I completed the main story with minimal side content in under 15 hours.

Effectively perfect. Exploration is phenomenal, soundtrack is fantastic and visuals are still appealing even more than 6 years later thanks to its art style. Only real gripe is that the combat feels a little bland at times.

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Probably my favourite fictional story of all time. Side content is just as well-written. Performances are incredible. This is the definition of a “story game” and unfortunately this translates into the gameplay at times with combat, while incredibly satisfying, generally becoming far too easy with it boiling down to a system of pop out of cover, have aim assist do the work for you, shoot, take cover and repeat. Some chapters e.g. Guarma are a significant downgrade in quality but still enjoyable. This game is an unforgettable experience from start to finish and I can’t wait to play it again.

Absolutely nails every aspect of what it tries to accomplish. Incredible value for money and insanely addictive. Easy to learn and highly difficult to master. Picked this up initially with my girlfriend and we both instantly loved it and played it for hours, talking about it and when we could play it again right after we were done.

Generally very fun combat with a fairly strong story. Loses steam at times and has relatively difficult navigation at times. Reskinned “bosses” leave a bad taste in the mouth.

An insanely good debut for the series, with the strongest atmosphere of any of the arkham games. The influences from the animated series e.g. the Conroy and Hamill casting, are wonderful and this entire game feels like a comic story. Gameplay (even with combat being the worst in the series) is insanely fun and fluid. Characterisation of every person in this game is so well done and entertaining and the stakes feel tangible in this high-anxiety atmosphere. It doesn’t make you feel like batman. The killer croc sequence is the scariest thing i’ve ever played in a game.


Improves on asylum in its combat, set pieces and boss fights in a huge way, with some of the best fights in the series (ra’s al ghul and mr freeze). However i think the story is a bit of a downgrade and the atmosphere isn’t as engaging, but this was to be expected relative to asylum, with one being contained in a single institution and the other being a sprawling city. A worthwhile experience regardless and one I frequently revisit.

Maybe the most love-hate relationship i’ve ever had with a game? Used to be my absolute favourite multiplayer experience but eventually balancing became far too poor, with heroes being broken on release (brigitte) and annoying metas (dive) and the game generally fell out of favour, with overwatch 2 absolutely putting the nail in the coffin of this once great game.

Probably the most 6/10 game of all time. The open world is pretty but sorta shallow, delving into a ubisoft-esque world design of liberating similarly designed outposts. Story is very good but gameplay leaves something to be desired.

Maybe the best in the series? Performances are at an all-time high and every character is incredibly engaging. Set-pieces and action sequences go ridiculously hard. Fantastic story an antagonist and a great send-off for Nathan Drake. Some aspects, like the long climbing sections and the fact that crushing difficulty is a little unfair in this one, bring the score down.

Pretty weak and predictable story but the gameplay is some of the most fun i’ve ever seen. The weapons feel satisfying to use, enemies are fairly varied and fun to encounter. THE PARKOUR???? This game is a blast if you can ignore the weak story.

Why did they cancel the multiplayer for this shit it was so fun. I get that it was like me and like 3 other people playing it but damn. Maybe the weakest of the series but has some phenomenal boss fights; maybe the best in the series (firefly, TN-1 bane, deathstroke, firefly). I really think this game would be looked upon more favourably if Conroy and Hamill were back but Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker deliver equally good performances.

Only ever played this with my girlfriend and we loved it (not playing it alone). Never moved on from the lowest difficulty cus i’m a pussy. Varied tools at your disposal and a ton of ghost types make for a very wide array of different gameplay experiences available. In spite of its dated graphics, the game is incredibly nerve-wracking and genuinely scary due to its unpredictability.

Actually enjoyed this a lot. Played it co-op with my girlfriend and we were both very invested, completing it in two sessions. All of the puzzles and options felt like they had fairly realistic outcomes, except for certain ones which sorta left me scratching my head. Some of the characters are really unlikeable and it feels super difficult to not kill them at times, however keeping people alive feels immensely satisfying, but what goes up must come down. We had two characters die in the last 30 mins of the game and we felt crushed. Fun game with some great acting (a little poor at times but generally fantastic). Definitely benefits from being a co-op experience.