protagonists i would be realistically friends with

i'm so fucking sleepy right now

it would be rocky sometimes but i think we could vibe
i'm not telling you. just know this game has certified besties
i think katalina and i would be very good friends. i'd also be friends with vira of course don't you worry. also i would be a good spiritual big sister to io probably
i just feel it ok
i also just feel this one in my bones
i'm a bunch younger than all of them and nanba and saeko would keep asking me what the fuck i'm talking about but ichiban would defend me and tell them to hold on, and also han joon-gi would have my back even more than ichiban because he seems like someone who would have a better idea of what i'm on about
i mean i'd be a third wheel in a group so i'd be friends with them like individually. who am i kidding raven wouldn't like probably. just kat.
listen. i'm basically all of them at once so i'd fit right in i think
listen i would absolutely go for a girls' night out with elma, irina, lin, celica, mia, hope and alexa, ok that's enough characters just know i'd vibe with them all especially mia and alexa
cmon this one's a given
they may be goody two shoes but face it so am i, probably
look at him. Look at Him
it's like, irl, and these irl people i see all the time have to be my fuckin g friends or something, love thi sgame


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