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miau wants Hauntii

1 day ago

1 day ago

springonions finished Hauntii
Gorgeous art and music, and some really good concepts I liked...! I have mixed thoughts on the gameplay and story. There were some moments I was utterly charmed with the gameplay, and enjoyed some of the really fun haunting mechanics, other times I was a little bit frustrated by bugs or pacing frustration. I enjoyed exploring, though sometimes I felt the locations were a bit empty. I do think gameplay improved significantly from when I tried the demo, though, and I ultimately had fun. The story left some things to be desired and maybe would have benefitted from more scaffolding... but there were beats I liked. Idk! I'm glad I played it.

1 day ago

springonions reviewed Hauntii
Gorgeous art and music, and some really good concepts I liked...! I have mixed thoughts on the gameplay and story. There were some moments I was utterly charmed with the gameplay, and enjoyed some of the really fun haunting mechanics, other times I was a little bit frustrated by bugs or pacing frustration. I enjoyed exploring, though sometimes I felt the locations were a bit empty. I do think gameplay improved significantly from when I tried the demo, though, and I ultimately had fun. The story left some things to be desired and maybe would have benefitted from more scaffolding... but there were beats I liked. Idk! I'm glad I played it.

1 day ago

springonions completed Hauntii

1 day ago

springonions reviewed Cocoon
oh my god. puzzles. i would love to see what the prototyping for this game was like.

1 day ago

springonions completed Cocoon

1 day ago

miau backloggd To the Moon

3 days ago

miau completed Wuthering Waves

3 days ago

8 days ago

miau reviewed Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

This review contains spoilers

everyone go listen to vector to the heavens right NOW!

ok heres my actual review: despite the clunky gameplay i really liked the panel system it was fun to figure out what could be a good build for the specific missions, all of the neverland levels were terrible to play through and ruler of the sky was the worst boss battle in 358/2 days for me, but what really shined in this game for me was its story and the characters (hence why the 5 stars... maybe this is a 4 stars to me but for now i'll give it 5 because its so special)... that thing was heartbreaking. finished it two days ago and am still thinking of the last two bosses of the game they were sick for that i will be thinking about it for a good while. the last mission having roxas running out of the castle after spending his entire life there and then fighting saix was very cathartic, finally getting to see the world only for the end to come soon... :-(
they just wanted to go to the beach togetheeeeer (explosion) i will never forget roxas and xion... and axel too i guess

8 days ago

10 days ago

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