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I LOVE VIDEO GAMES!!!!! such a strong opening and great game im speechless😭 favorite kind of plantinum where i can just go around completing everything after i love i love <3 i will say i wished i knew atreus wouldn't stick around because i'd have completed as much as i could with him instead but alas ! a new favorite

not 5 stars because harry and peter did not kiss🙏 JOKING! loved the game but i've probably played the og too much (also was the first game i ever played on my ps4) and nothing can top it To Me! a very worthy sequel🫶

oh my god oh my god I can't believe I took so long actually picking this game back up this was so so perfect for me I loved everything about this game!!! can't wait to buy rangarök with my next paycheck :)

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LOVED IT🫶 the most twisted i've been by a plot, jaw was on the floor several times. not giving it the last half star because vader and a lot of fights after him pissed me off and i was on knight difficulty...! but still i loved the entire game so so much and most mechanics have definitely improved since the last game. beautiful <3

an ok story but found myself skipping cutscenes because I just wanted to get through, very repetitive.

took a while to get used to the dialogue and the cutting between gameplay and cutscenes but once you could look past some of those thing i really enjoyed the gameplay and i found myself affected by a lot of lines/line deliveries. a nice game to play once imo

probably the most casually frustrated i've been at a game with the map and respawn points in a while, but in regards to the story it was very enjoyable #ForMe