Here's hoping that they can continue to build on this foundation of a very strong racing simulator. Although not a huge fan of the car points. I'd rather just buy the cars like I'm Jeff Bezos


This game made me stay up past my bedtime routinely for a couple weeks. I beat it one time. Definitely looking forward to the sequel.

I had a good time with this game. For the most part, the action keeps moving with only a few levels having truly challenging parts where I would have to keep restarting. I enjoyed how if things went really south you could just start blasting.

It was a fun challenge but I think I remember I had to look up some stuff online. Can be really frustrating if you can't think of a way forward.

I appreciate what they were trying to do here and I am all for creative dialogue and abstract art. But there is a point when the only structure to this whole game is that the A button works. The dialogue and story is so all over the place that it's hard to take anything meaningful from it. Or perhaps I was too bored to even try to decipher a meaning.

I'm pretty sure I beat this. Pretty fun game but not very memorable for me other than the fact that I put some hours into it.

I'll never stop playing this game. One of the best pure fun multiplayer games ever created.

I beat every level on secret agent (medium) except Egyptian since it is unavailable. I don't think I have the patience to grind this out on 00 agent level.

One of those games that will make you want to pull your hair out one second but then pop champagne the next. The throwback to a pre-checkpoint world can be extremely draining, but it makes the reward of beating the level that much sweeter.

A fun puzzler. Did a wonderful job of making you think without any of the puzzles being challenging/confusing enough to frustrate.

Solid walking simulator with some genuinely good scares. Story is eh. Chases are bad. The best part is the environment which looks seriously good most time.