Might be a perfect game? Heartbreaking and anxiety-inducing in an incredibly novel, choice-driven way. To go too into detail would be to spoil this game's trick, which is something everyone should experience for themself, so: growing up is a uniquely terrifying process. Everything changes--your friends, the world, yourself. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist captures the feeling of watching the entire universe uncontrollably drift, your closest friends warping in frightening and confusing ways, the environment you live in gradually growing more hostile and less accommodating, and the government dropping its veneer of protection to reveal the ugliness underneath. And all the while, you can do nothing but watch. Nomi-Nomi is literally me.

good for what it is but what it is isn't very good

i love turning my brain off and pressing buttons. and when a number goes up? you know i live for that shit

An improvement over the original (which I do like!) in every conceivable way. The stories are so much more creative and compelling, the world feels so much more lived in, the characters are so much more endearing, the combat is so much more strategic and engaging, and the music is about as good as the first game (peak)

bullshit but in a very fun and charming way. does that make sense

Very fun, but a different kind of fun than other monster hunters