38 reviews liked by crse

okay so after going all-in and 100%ing the entire game i realized something. this really is gonna be my goty huh

it's been SO long since i've played a game that actively made me want to 100% it, especially when i have less free time nowadays, but this game scratched an itch i've had for a LONG time. the stages are really fun to learn, the bosses are fun as hell to fight and even do no-hit runs of (which the game actually does acknowledge despite having no achievements for it! you love to see it)

but yeah i haven't had a game be this addicting for me for a long time, the movement's great, combat's probably some of the best i've EVER seen in a 2D action game, even the plot and characters are pretty fun and compelling. just a fantastic game all-around.

i sat down and spent 130 hours playing this, after witnessing adoration and loathing for this game on the internet in pretty equal amounts, and i gotta say

i'm 100% in the former camp. i'm mostly a fan of other megaten games more than persona (having only played P4G) but i can safely say this blows digital devil saga 2 and even nocturne out of the water for me. genuinely a masterpiece

It's a puzzle game, all right, which you can pick up when you want to chill while solving your way forward in its imaginative and gorgeously illustrated world. It has some hidden objects elements while also challenging you with different types of puzzles to flex your brain muscles a bit.

There isn't much to the story, besides the intrigue being about piecing the world back together jigzaw style and there is a central character re-appearing in certain puzzles and more... The game feels short but there is a warm charm that gives the playtime some lasting value.

P.S. The chill music is a worthy keeper!



Wasted 500 hours of my life and I hate this game.

A love letter to the original tv show.
There's the little details in the background, the scenarios, comical skits between characters that those who watched and loved the series will appreciate a lot.
Its level design does not disappoint even though there are some very uninspiring ones(but these are a minority), most of them present decent and varied challenge and structure that may not come close to the best ones in the Megaman series but on their own they are very solid.
Bosses are unique and the final boss is a great homage to the conclusion of the original show and on its own very entertainment and epic.
Watch Kemono Friends now, its an order.

A really wonderful free and open source breakout / arkanoid clone by the KDE team. It's not a mechanically unique version, but it's dragging me back into that world of little arcadey desktop games that I used to mess with as a child, often pre-installed or from old shareware / freeware compilations. It feels like one of them, and that is nice :)

I get why that Japanese dude married Miku.

The fucking DEFINITION of a hood classic.

this definitely doesn't compare to the original but it's still good

THIS was what they took down Club Penguin for..

Biggest L Disney ever pulled >:(