Awkward middle child. Most lukewarm and average FE game. A bit of what FE1 does without anything that makes it funny and hints of moving towards what Thracia has but it puts itself in a weird position where I was honestly bored. It's Fine.

FE4 is A Very Different Fire Emblem game. You pretty much have to learn to play in a different style than what you're used to. This doesn't hamper it from being one of the strongest entries based on its pretty good story, mostly the first generation, and the replayability it has with the second generation. The payoff of seeing what the children of the future do makes for a really good gameplay experience. It, alongside Thracia, commonly get thrown in a bin labeled "obscure games only weirdos play" but a lot of the series wouldn't be where it is without FE4. Skills, child units, battle conversations and lovers are all owed to it. Awakening's revival of the series is arguably most influenced from FE4. A lot of the same themes are present here. Once we get that remake, people will acknowledge it. Trust. It's real. Please be real

feels like a video game instead of a fire emblem game. no further elaboration


Engage does a lot of really cool things. Gameplay is really fun, a lot of the character designs are good, the game's bright and nice and it's awesome to finally see the likes of Leif and Sigurd in the West, outside of gacha hell.
It's taken more time from me than any other Fire Emblem game, I had fun playing it like, three times? in a row?
It is hurt by a good couple of things. The story just... isn't good. There are rare bits of quality like Alcryst and Diamant's battle conversations with Morion and MAYBE Zephia's death scene. She's one of the symptoms of the problem though, because they never settled on whether she was evil and abusive, or sympathetic with a twisted sense of love. They dump anything you'd feel for her in the last chapter and it's really too much to handle at once. She could be compelling but it's like all of the writers that wrote anything cool with the world were all eliminated in a mysterious accident and the rest was written by ChatGPT.
Writing aside, the other big thing is the 3D modeling in place of 2D portraits is just.. not good. It's really not the fault of the character designer, who's pretty well known for doing stuff with Fate and Vtubers. Mika Pikazo's art for the game is really great but it doesn't carry over into the models that well. A lot of same face syndrome from the girls and it doesn't really do anything Pikazo made justice.
It's one of those where the fun factor and how attached I am to the characters really carries the experience, and that's not for everyone and I've grown to accept that.

A Video Game Has Possibly Never Had This Much Style and Soul God Bless You Square Enix


if I speak I'm gonna be in trouble

I really wish I played this game on DS because the gameplay was just. Not for me. Game is soul though.