blows me away these guys made so many caves for their open world game and not a single one is a nutty putty nightmare like stonefang. not one is a boiling hot chest crushing True Ass Dungeon Crawl. not one has the geometry choke and bend in angular, ugly shapes or allows itself enough peace and quiet for proper low humming tension to build

you can make any number of enemies and bosses do any number of tony hawk 900s and eddy gordo bnb combos but you'll never get the same reaction out of me as trudging thru the million ton weight of 5-2's endless negative space

one of the things that stands out most here is how the lack of bonfires contextualizes everything within a given zone. everything's a tight circuit, everything has to facilitate reasonably efficient traversal from start to end, and the holistic one-shot delving focus keeps everything working in steady unison rather than presenting a series of discrete segments that're more vulnerable to escalation and ostentatious dramatics

bosses in particular are used as punctuation -- part of the flow and movement of each sequence. fool's idol and armoured spider don't need to be rigorous conclusions if they're just limbs on a greater body, and leechmonger and dirty colossus can be lightweight so long as they build toward the expectation of the grotesque and monstrous before astraea's melancholic anti-climax carves right thru it. everything's given ample space to breathe and standout among the the rest of the cast on their own mechanical and thematic terms, allowing even the most traditional showdowns a greater gravity. before penetrator and flamelurker were Every Fuckin Boss they were just two bosses. before storm king was contractually obliged to show up in every game it was just storm king

in general, there's a greater sense of unity and direction here. everything's so spirited and pertinent; its consonant use of mechanics as vehicle for tonal and thematic purposes far more thoughtful and accomplished than the number of titles that rehashed them under increasingly unconvincing disguises. the cohesion offered by an unborrowed shape pays off as the game reflects on the value of souls as objects of power, your role in accumulating that power, and the unflattering realities of your duty. there's no real need for a wealth of proper nouns, alliterative flourishes, or 23andme results for it to say what it intends to say -- it just says it, often using experimentation, passivity, or juxtaposition to hammer it home

invasions going from disruptive manifestations of doubt and hostility to disruptive manifestations of doubt and hostility if you feel like it shows how little care was taken in transplanting most of these bits over and how beholden to audience preferences and expectations later works have been in contrast. there was a reason most of the souls you acquired were from cannibalizing storied soldiers and renowned heroes rather than the hopeless denizens of defilement valley, and it wasn't just convenient itemization and exploration bait

I can't believe how much I miss the humid, sickly, woozy colour grading, the goofy bosses like adjudicator, and the spirit of limitless invention that was more concerned with banging out new ideas than vetting or refining them

world tendency was good, if you're gonna have a bad camera you might as well use it to make me feel like I can't breathe, and all these years later I might love this even more than I did in 2009

umbasa bitch

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024


3 days ago

🗣️🔊 Louder for the Monumental above

3 days ago

yeah I only played this very briefly back when people were first importing it and decided to finally play it proper this year and am now firmly of the belief that it is The Best One

3 days ago

a game so good it defies belief that it actually got made let alone popular. seems like it was destined to be a weird PS3 title no one remembers but instead is one of the greatest ever made.

3 days ago

I've been thinking a lot about how much more tense 2-1 is, as an entire experience including armored spider, than most of the elden ring/dlc bosses manage to be now cleanly severed from their surrounding environments. The removal of boss runbacks and the massive increase in damage recieved makes the fights so immediate and volatile that you end up just repeating perfunctory motions until phase 1 ends, then experiencing a rapid onset and release of adrenaline and its over. The attrition and passage of time/space between DeS boss attempts is so much more sublime an escalation. Great review.

3 days ago

thank you! every time I revisit it there's another zone or detail I come away appreciating a bit more and this time 2-1/2-2 were the big winners. perfect encapsulations of what demon's souls does so well in rhythm, pacing, and atmosphere. definitely agree that having bosses positioned as vacuum sealed events (often bigger than the stage itself) has done considerable damage over time

100% agree



3 days ago

I literally just finished playing this game through the end for the first time about a week or two ago, and it really blew me away. Utterly incredible work and I agree with pretty much every one of your takeaways here.

3 days ago

glad to have met the world's only other adjudicator fan

3 days ago

I'm always a bit unsure of what it must be like to experience now that the whole souls thing's turned into a big iterative brand and occupies a much different space/mode, but I'm really happy you got so much out of it. it really is an incredible accomplishment and there's absolutely nothing quite like it

3 days ago

the feeling's mutual. delightful boss that I always look forward to and always enjoy, love it

3 days ago

wrt experiencing the game for the first time now, i played it for the first time about a year ago and it felt like a subversion of the entire series and ""genre"" that spawned from it despite the fact that it came out first. helps that the average souls fan doesn't even acknowledge its existence so i was able to go in unspoiled and with basically no expectations. it makes sense that some people come back here and don't get quite what they came for but in my eyes the position it stands in compared to the newer games only makes it better

3 days ago

I think you've nailed it that the biggest sin of post DS2 From is deciding that traversal shouldn't be as (if not far more!) compelling or challenging than the bosses themselves. Punctuation is exactly what they should be and unfortunately never again will be. Its why DS2 and its areas continue to wiggle further into my brain space since I first played it last year and also why I haven't thought about DS3 once since I finished it, even if I liked the latter more on first blush. Unfortunately my only interaction with DeS is the doggy doo doo remake so I can't speak to that.

3 days ago

malenia can do all the fucking flips and sword swings that she wants but nothing will compare to the abject cruelty of the 4-2 boss run

2 days ago

that makes a lot of sense and aligns with my experience even having played it first

ds2's probably the closest anything since has come to capturing what I like here. very bold wildcard energy with a lot of big swings (and misses) that lend it a lot of personality and flavour. shrine of amana ending with demon of song is just perfect. no amount of complexity would make for a better conclusion to that. harvest valley maybe.. .should end with covetous demon?? it works. it's memorable. doesn't need to be much more than that for me. (tho the dlc proves you can truly have everything at once -- shulva and iron king in particular)

2 days ago

tell!!! them!!!
God has chosen you to spit facts, and for that we are thankful. Umbasa.

2 days ago

still astonished how they got souls-like pacing right on their very first attempt, put that shit on umbasa

1 day ago

yeah it's wild how fully formed it was given all the problems in development and the game more or less being written off already before miyazaki jumped onto the project. wish we had more info on the behind the scenes stuff but this quote's always stuck with me:

“Demon’s Souls wasn’t doing well,” he says. “The project had problems and the team had been unable to create a compelling prototype. But when I heard it was a fantasy-action role-playing game, I was excited. I figured if I could find a way to take control of the game, I could turn it into anything I wanted. Best of all, if my ideas failed, nobody would care – it was already a failure.”
Around the time Elden Ring was released, I decided to finally take the plunge and play through the Souls games. Originally, I was gonna hold out until I got a PS5 and play this via the remake, but ultimately, I said fuck that and got an original PS3 copy, and since finishing it, this game has refused to leave my mind. I absolutely loved it! I've now played Dark Souls III for about 6 hours, and I really haven't had an inclination to go back to it. I'm starting to feel the stagnation, and it just makes me yearn for another replay of DeS. 

Lovely review!

1 day ago

thank you :)

I definitely get what you're saying, I like the stuff they've done since to varying extents, but ds3's the one where my enthusiasm for the format started to noticeably wane and the formula started feeling a little transparent

it's probably a big cliche at this point but I was really losing interest in games around the time demon's souls came out and it made a huge impression on me / got me more enthusiastic about the medium again. one of those rare things that connects instantly and feels almost like it was made for you