4 reviews liked by cursedy

really great story but i think i hyped my expectations up a bit too high because i was expecting to be way more mind blown at the end than i really was!! the buildup to all the reveals hooked me but idk why i felt like i wanted More from the very end!! i still enjoyed it regardless.
the combat was a bit much for me at the end; my small brain couldn't keep everything about Destruction straight.

ultimately it was the characters that really hit home for me!!!

You finally got me hoyo. Congrats.

(seriously this has tons of heart and crazy scale for a free mobile gacha game i rlly enjoy it)

4 stars for actual game but im gonna have to give it half a star because my playthrough was ruined by fromsoftware elitist fans who have been ableist and stupid as shit to disabled people asking for an easy mode or using summons.

I genuinely will never interact with anyone who says "youre bad if you use summons" i do not give a shit, yes its easier and you can say the boss is boring now, but i dont give a shit. I cant play games like elden ring without help because im fucking disabled in my prominent hand so having to make my fingers work and do everything needed to beat a boss drains me mentally. Oh and thats not even it because there will always be that one mentally unwell basement dweller who says "git gud"