4 Reviews liked by cyrilico

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The last stretch is pretty great for atmosphere and the sort of pay off with interesting art and destruction. But the logic behind this is lost on me in terms of level structure and pace, and it surprisingly dragged a little I was expecting to be close to the end once I'd reached the bridge of death. I don't think enough time was spent on the first hours chase/farm area and too much in the latter areas also surprisingly low on puzzles compared to limbo.

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Obtained all endings :)

God I really didn’t think i’d get so attached to the characters but catching up with everyone in the museum?? i cried a little bit

Bad characters, ok story, and very slow. The game is not good with direction or explaning mechanics. There's a difference between "not holding your hand" and refusing to adhere to basic game design. At least there are some interesting ideas and pretty graphics.



This was a very pleasant surprise! I wasn't very interested going into it, so it did end up exceeding my expectations.

This game shines when it allows you the freedom to explore. The more open levels are both densely populated with detail, but also have many intertwining paths and things to find. I felt extremely satisfied when I was able to find an item early, and then have it become relevant after returning to that area later. Unfortunately, a lot of the runtime is spent in more linear sections. These are fine, and still maintain the wonderful art direction, but I don't think they play to Stray's strengths.