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d1scordkitten reviewed Killzone 3
this game's graphics were wayyy ahead of its time, campaign was OK and multiplayer was good fun and had good maps

20 mins ago

22 mins ago

8 days ago

d1scordkitten earned the Loved badge

8 days ago

d1scordkitten earned the Replay '14 badge

9 days ago

d1scordkitten played Dead Cells
my first ever roguelike. this game's ost is great. it didn't feel like it had a lot of randomization in terms of seeds, but i found it quite entertaining

9 days ago

d1scordkitten completed Noita
i played this game for 50 hours and never got to beating it (i know i fucking suck) NONETHELESS i greatly enjoyed the game's atmosphere, the fact that it's like a sandbox with each pixel on the screen capable of interacting with each other and watching other people play and beat noita left me amazed in the many secrets this game has and ways it can be played.

9 days ago

d1scordkitten completed Dishonored
i liked the game's aesthetic, gameplay was good fun, it's like a mix of assassin's creed and bioshock (to put it in the laziest way possible). tho I don't remember this game having a lot of replay value, like a one and done thingy.

9 days ago

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