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Probably the best writing out of any of the expansions; didn't leave a ton of lingering plot threads, cleanly finishes up a lot of the threads it deals with, and very nicely transitions into Living World Season 4. Unfortunately the maps are huge and why are there not more waypoints. Added mounts, which is good. Added the scary raids, which I haven't done yet but will do one day. Added probably the most imbalanced set of elite specializations yet. (Mirage is lying in its grave. Scourge & Firebrand are doing everything forever.) Nobody does these map metas because their rewards are dogshit, what the hell, Arenanet; out of the expansions this one is the least likely to have people wandering around its maps because there's no reason to be there.

AFAIK these days it comes exclusively as a 2-pack with Heart of Thorns, and I really would recommend getting that 2-pack if you're remotely interested in actually playing GW2 after you hit level 80 for the first time.


It's more GW2, it's fine. Nothing groundbreaking, but the new zones are pretty & weaponmaster training opens up some fun new options. Writing is a solid B-; has the same issues as EOD, which is 'writing team apparently sees so much turnover they never pick up old story threads, constantly leave stuff open for later content to pick up on it and nothing ever does, and then some things happen that really deserved cinematics but without them have no emotional impact'. Marks a transition to a new (& ideally more consistent) content release schedule, but we're still not really into that at the time of writing this review.

I wouldn't recommend buying it if you're on the fence about GW2, but if you're a consistent player and/or have the other expansions, yeah, go ahead and get it. It's fine. There's wizards. If they were braver they would've given Dagda a buff body instead of Female Norn rig but Peitha's there and I like her.

Maybe I'm stupid! I don't know! But the tutorial is not very good and the transition to 'okay now go play the game' is incredibly unforgiving! Which sucks, because I did want to enjoy this.