this is a must play game its so fun, so so so much content i just keep coming back for more weekend replays
its so cheap and easy to get into everybody needs to play this game

this game is not an original concept at all its literally so overdone and the graphics and gameplay are boring and it just all sucks and the menu navigation is ass i hate skyrim this game is balls

this game is just so fun it has loads and loads of fun dlcs and the map is perfect for what its meant to do.
the combat is really brutal and satisfying and it just flows so smoothly this is a must play game

this game was really fun, a little laggy and some stuff was lower effort than it probably should be but the parkour is still satisfying and fun and the combat is very brutal and gives you lots of way to smoke zombies.
the map is awesome, exploring and parkouring the city is honestly so fun and the ability to dropkick zombies into oblivion is sick

people like to talk shit on this game and talk about how its bad and flopped but to be honest the game is still fun
yeah it didn't meet expectations but it has great graphics, a fun world to explore, good combat and an interesting story.
its still very enjoyable to experience if you can just put the small problems behind you - ive never had a game breaking bug just a few funny visual things.
this game is good if you arent annoying

the story lacked potential a bit but online is very fun and has lots of content to enjoy from a low level.
after about 1000 hours things slow down a little because you end up owning the majority of things you could possibly want, but theres still a lot of fun to be had if you can be creative and 1000 hours is good for the price anyway.
also its just gta 5 everyones got to play it

this game is an actual work of art - the graphics are fantastic and the world is huge and expansive and everywhere you go feels alive with so much of society and nature to be interacted with and so many events to keep the world moving.
definitely the best story ive ever experienced in a videogame hands down, so so so worth the money

this game used to be so fun but the more recent updates just feel like they cater to children with 0 chill and no attention span
i miss the old relaxed feeling of minecraft where it was all kinda comforting lonely feeling and more subtle colours not loud noises and bright colours and stuff happening everywhere

this game is an unoriginal stolen concept with bad art and the whole playerbase is young children who make the already mid experience very bad and unenjoyable