This is on my top 3 FF games, the story is serious and complex, the worldbuilding is great, the music is very good (but you have to manually set BSO to have the most tonally apropiate music) and the gameplay is probably the best amalgamation of an active and paused battle system in the series

This game has some of the best bosses we've seen in the Souls series to date.I constantly stop the very constant and frantic combat to take in the scenery which speaks to the detail of the game. It is so much fun, so challenging, so lavish with art, rewards, gear, quality. I HIGHLY recommend this game.

Does Twilight Princess have flaws? Well, yes. The graphics are artistically stunning, but there are some issues with the texturing in some areas. The sound is getting a bit old-sounding - there's no reason Nintendo couldn't have recorded a orchestral soundtrack. But at its heart, Twilight Princess is an outstanding adventure. The dungeons are great, the new items and weapons amazing.