7 reviews liked by deathbyglam

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Yakuza Kiwami faces a unique challenge in that it tries to be a faithful remake of the series' first game from a decade ago while not contradicting the new characterizations given to some major characters like Majima and Nishiki in the very well received prequel preceding this release. In Nishiki's case this gap is bridged pretty successfully with the additional cutscenes detailing what he has been up to during Kiryu's time in prison. Though some of the dialogue that makes it sound like jealousy over Yumi was a core reason for Kiryu and Nishiki's falling out does feel a little weird given that these new cutscenes paint a new picture of mistreatment in the Tojo Clan and the loss of his sister as the major reasons behind Nishiki's downfall, alongside Yakuza 0 previously building up their brotherhood as something almost too strong to crumble over a woman. With Majima things don't play out as smoothly since at this point RGG Studio has to connect three different personas that they've created for this character over time, so you kinda get whiplash between Majima in the main story and Majima in side content. The Majima Everywhere system honestly loses comedic value after the first few encounters, and the skill learning system could generally be balanced a lot better. Personally I don't mind that the combat system is recycled from Yakuza 0; it works and it's fun to play. Kiryu being rusty after a decade in prison and having to relearn the Dragon style seems cool from a lore standpoint but doesn't go over too well in practice. On my second playthrough I rushed through the main story on a brand new save without engaging in any side content and ended up very underpowered by the finale. Especially the boss fight with Jingu sucks and is easily one of the worst in the entire series. Overall I think it's a solid game and remake, and I'm glad it exists to breathe new life into a very important entry in the series. It's not perfect but it will always have a special place in my heart for being one of the two original games to feature Nishiki.

There is nothing in this game and it is all it needs to be.
The best version of LSD dream emulator.

If you are in a relationship, you have to play this title. It is so fun in its always changing level and gameplay design and it always introduces new ideas without being too overly convoluted. It truly makes you feel like you need your other player to progress these levels and we had such a good time playing through this title hoping it would never end. Much applause to the studio behind this title, it is a great experience for both nongamers and experienced veterans alike.

I remember having a lot of fun with this game when it first came out. The environments and world design are legitimately well-designed and are fun to look at and explore. Even though it does copy BOTW in many areas, I still enjoyed this take on it. I love the idea of each land being based on a different element. The towns are genuinely so cute and comforting too, like the castle area in Mondstadt is such a vibe. It's so nice and comforting.

The characters aren't bad either. I enjoyed the design for most of them, and I think they're very well detailed. Their personalities and dialogue are solid as well. I feel like I'm the only person who actually liked Paimon (I like that they had her do the Q&A sessions as well).

The combat is pretty fun as well. Combining different characters' attacks to create these elemental combos is a neat mechanic and makes the combat fairly enjoyable. There is a nice level of detail to their abilities as well. The only one I can remember is Kaeya being able to freeze water and walk across it, but I always thought that was cool.

The lore is intriguing, but I remember that there wasn't too much emphasis on it, so I've forgotten most of it by now.

However, there are a few things that are holding this game back.

First of all, the gacha system. I admit that I have enjoyed gacha games in the past (I was hooked on Dokkan battle for like 2 years) but having a gacha system for a console game just rubs me the wrong way. I've met people who have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on this game, and I don't feel like this game warrants that kind of commitment. Additionally, once you reach a certain point, the game just becomes a grind fest, which in my opinion does this game a disservice, because there is a lot of potential here. I'm happy that I stopped playing before I reached that point.

Also, I don't remember much of the specifics, but the adventure rank system also rubbed me the wrong way. You have to reach like level 10 or 20 before you can truly unlock everything, which again I feel hinders this game. There are some side quests that are apparently locked behind certain adventure ranks and again, I don't like that. I run into all these characters so often and they talk like they're going to give me a quest and then I can't do it? And there's no way the quests are worth grinding out a ton of levels for, just give me the content before I get bored. The characters are kind of interesting too, but if I have to wait until I'm a certain level to do stuff with them I'm probably going to forget.

The skill trees and other upgrades are pretty wild too. Artistically though, I do like the concept of the whole constellation thing. However, it perpetuates the grind. It's very difficult to upgrade these skill trees and I feel like the game isn't fun enough to warrant all this red tape. LET ME GET TO THE GOOD PART, or at least throw me a bone every now and then so that I don't feel hopeless.

This game is primarily a level-based, gacha grindfest instead of an immersive, freedom-based open world adventure, which is what I feel the game should be and is much better suited for. Take for example the characters. There are a lot of these sample dialogues that you can have with them where they talk about their life, or what they're doing, and sometimes even propose activities with you. Like, Amber asks you if you want to go for a jog or Ningguang asks you if you want to accompany her for some tea. Like, these all sound really fun and the game does not allow you to do any of them. I think this game would be a lot more fun if it were more character focused. I get that there are conversations and cutscenes with certain characters, which I do appreciate, but while I was playing I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a game that wanted to be something else, and I really wished it was. Like, you're going to put so much effort into creating these interesting and kind of charming characters, and then lock like 85% of that away in menus and soulless dialogue chains? LET ME HAVE FUN WITH THESE CHARACTERS. I just want to hang out with everyone :(

Also, I saw so many cute cats AND I COULDNT PET THEM. Idk if they've fixed that since. If they have, I'll consider giving this game an extra half star.

I genuinely think this game has the potential to be amazing but it's just the wrong kind of game. However, I will say that I quit before I really got into the gacha grindfest part of it, so I'm kind of happy where I left off, because all things considered I had pretty good memories of it.

Even though the game is probably cooked at this point, there is still hope for Genshin. They announced that it was getting an anime a couple years ago, and I'm pretty optimistic about it. Like I said, I enjoyed the world and the characters, so I think the anime could be pretty good. It's also being animated by ufotable so that's awesome. Looking forward to when that comes out though.

Enjoyed my time with this, but by the time that Sumeru came out, I was just incredibly burnt out from the more grindy aspects of this game.

My favorite moment in Umineko is when Rudolf said suck my balls

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