the moment i saw the character art i knew i was in for a good time

if one game was chosen to survive the end of humanity i would without hesitation choose this

i sincerely do hope the euphoric brothers continue to release 3-4 of these a year. playing and subsequently refunding them has become an addiction.

Honestly this game was even better than the first! Especially the 3.6 gb raw sketch file includ-
small gnome runs past
What? What the fuck WAS that?!?!

miyamoto probably has nightmares about this one

this would be 1000000000000% better with more content, like the framework is all here i just want more to do.

contrary to popular belief this 5 star rating is not because of the life changing music, but because of the fact that the company "Ocean" made it.

my life has gotten immeasurably worse ever since I completed (and refunded) this "game".

There may be some slight bias present here, as this was the first DKC game I played as a kid (and also one of my childhood favorites.) It was incredibly difficult, and can still be at times, especially in that one world thats nothing but minecarts (WHO DID THIS?)
definitely a worthy successor to rare's offerings.

Almost like a kirby game in how easy and yet engrossing it becomes, especially towards the end when levels get more difficult (if ever so slightly.)

Typically, I'm not as much of a fan of arcadey games like this, with no progress to be gained, and single session playtimes. However, Star Fox 64 is stellar enough to transcend this, even on it's sub 30 fps original console glory. I truly understand why Nintendo was never able to improve on this game.

Call me crazy but the way everybody seems to hate this game is a little much. I wouldn't call the car gimmick game ruining, and the minigames are just as good, if not better than some of the earlier entries.
Fuck Mario Party 10 tho.

Honestly I think this game is superior to the first DKC in many ways. The gimmicks are often unusual, yet they help levels stand out, for better or worse. The music is a step down, and yet, many songs like Rockside Rumble, Water World, or Cascade Capers still go so hard that you end up forgetting some of the more milquetoast tracks. Definitely the biggest mixed bag of the super nintendo DKC trilogy, but that doesn't make it awful or anything, and i still think it's better than Mario world. That enough should tell you it's worth a shot.

Holds up better than you would expect, and I got used to the floaty controls and screen crunch pretty early on. Obviously AM2R and Samus Returns improved on quite a lot here, but the aesthetics of hunting metroids (at their scariest imo) through an 8-bit, desolate cavern system is something that was never fully replicated.

You've probably seen the Nerrel video, so I won't parrot it here. Suffice to say, the game is still pretty decent, even when watered down.